
Top 50+ Best You Are My Sunshine Tattoo Ideas – [2022 Inspiration Guide] 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Top 50+ Best You Are My Sunshine Tattoo Ideas – [2022 Inspiration Guide]. Please like and share if You are interested!

“…You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You’ll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don’t take my sunshine away…”

The first line of the chorus to this classic song is a popular choice for tattoo lovers.

The following list of 50+ you are my sunshine tattoos display the different stylistic and technical designs that you can use as inspiration for your next tattoo.

1. You Are My Sunshine Tattoo Ideas for the Back

Source: @janmarietattoo via Instagram

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Source: @tattoosbycelena via Instagram

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2. Forearm You are My Sunshine Tattoo Ideas

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Source: @brittany_ann19xx via Instagram

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Source: @drankthepaint via Instagram

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Source: @jasonhickle via Instagram

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Source: @mansruintattoo via Instagram

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Source: @mountainviewtattoo via Instagram

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Source: @nicoles_tattoo_studio via Instagram

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Source: @sheridanervin via Instagram

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Source: @mystikwanderlust13 via Instagram

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3. Shoulder and Upper Arm You Are My Sunshine Tattoos

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Source: @insaneinksneads8507187290 via Instagram

4. Small You Are My Sunshine Tattoo Ideas

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Source: @mountainviewtattoo via Instagram

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Source: @sarahadskey via Instagram

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Source: @abbyemilyink via Instagram

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5. Sunflower Themed You are my Sunshine Tattoos

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Source: @amashleytattoos via Instagram

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Source: @barronmontowski via Instagram

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Source: @fleezybdrawing904 via Instagram

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Source: @moth_and_moon_tattoo via InstagramSource: @pamelanoguera__ via Instagram

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6. You are my Sunshine Thigh Tattoo Ideas

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Source: @cathycpruitt via Instagram

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Source: @electricempiretattooinc via InstagramSource: Danny McNamara Electric Empire Tattoo Butler, Pennsylvania

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Source: via Instagram

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Source: @inkordyestudio via Instagram

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Source: @tattooscharles_memphis via Instagram

7. Matching You are My Sunshine Tattoo Ideas

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Source: via Instagram

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Source: @livlarouchetattoos via Instagram

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Source: @wildchildtattoos via Instagram

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Source: @parkapride via Instagram

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Source: @genevieve_tattooer via Instagram

Why get a you are my sunshine tattoo design?

There is versatility in using the words “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine” incorporated into different symbolic tattoos, with most of them displaying deeply personal significance.

Some collectors opt for flowing cursive or simple lettering only, while others incorporate the line into a larger tattoo symbolizing family or remembrance, predominantly by using the sun or flowers.

It’s universally depicted to show that there is a person or group that the tattoo wearer cares for immensely.

A lot of mothers get the you are my sunshine tattoo as a design associating the feelings of love they have for their children, or vice versa, and the expression can also be implemented as matching family tattoos.

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Categories: Tattoos
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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