
Top 53 Guillotine Tattoo Designs For Men [2022 Inspiration Guide] 2023

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Simply sinister, the guillotine tattoo is not for the faint of heart. With its eerie and unmistakable imagery, a guillotine tattoo is making its own statement…while still leaving plenty of room for other macabre embellishments.

Once considered the most humane method of execution, the guillotine operates on a fairly simple concept. A quick drop of a blade hovering above its unfortunate victim will cut off the head in a neat slice – most of the time.

The guillotine tattoo is a mysterious omen. Sure to inspire those who see it, the guillotine is a nod to death and a mockery of the final judgment, all wrapped up in one compact package. Less obnoxious than a noose and more artistic than a pistol, the guillotine tattoo is a subtle and beautiful execution. Elegant and fashionable in French style, the guillotine tattoo is suitable for the man who appreciates the finer things in life, especially appreciating the darkness. Silhouetted on the skin, the mystery of such an unexpected tattoo naturally has the effect of stimulating curiosity, shock, even subtle fear. Nothing about the guillotine is exaggerated or ostentatious, it is simply an intimidating and commanding presence.

Don’t underestimate the boundless expressive potential of the guillotine tattoo’s simplicity. Whether gory or thought-provoking, this tattoo leaves plenty of room for creative interpretation of its presence to the wearer. Rich in history and tradition, the guillotine is both poetic and political, alluding to the duality of life and death. The execution by guillotine attracted a large crowd of people eager to watch the sickening event. Adding this piece to your ink collection may attract similar crowds, with similar morbid tastes. Get ready… the guillotine tattoo really speaks for itself.

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Categories: Tattoos
Source: Tekmonk Bio

Written by mybio

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