
Trainwreck claims ‘exaggerated’ Kick contract figures are hurting deals with other streamers 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Trainwreck claims ‘exaggerated’ Kick contract figures are hurting deals with other streamers. Please like and share if You are interested!

The co-founder of streaming rival Kick has claimed that supposedly exaggerated figures streamers are stating on social media have had a negative impact on being able to make new deals.

Streaming website Kick has been making big moves in the streaming space of late. Rivals to Amazon-owned Twitch, they’ve signed several big-name streamers and launched a number of marquee initiatives in hopes of enticing others to jump ship. Kick has even signed huge creators to the platform including xQc, Amouranth, and Adin Ross.

On top of the many streamers brought over from Twitch, Kick has promised streamers a far more lucrative revenue share, tempting even more to take the leap.

Since that time many who have swapped over have come forward sharing the amount of money offered in their contract. However, it appears that some of these claims may have been heavily exaggerated, which has caused some problems when striking deals with new content creators, according to Train.

Trainwreck claims false contract payment numbers are hurting Kick negotiations

Trainwreck expressed that whilst it’s great for advertisement purposes and media attention, the claims made by Kick streamers are actually hurting negotiations for other creators.

“I think the numbers people say they are getting is really f***ing up negotiations for other creators. Whether it be mid or large creators. Obviously, small creators we work toward discoverability and fair features that pay them out with what they deserve.

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“But some of these numbers people are saying bro… I don’t even know. Like it’s good advertising but it’s f***ing up a lot of other negotiations.

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Because everyone’s thinking ‘Well how did he get this I’m 3x his size?’ It’s like, he didn’t get that, he got one-tenth of that. What do you mean? Okay, you want 3x the one-tenth?”

Kick continues to grow as a streaming rival to Twitch despite these apparent hindrances, meaning the rivalry between the two sites is very much still ongoing.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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