
Twitch bans streamer after her OnlyFans “menu” appeared on screen 2023

Twitch bans streamer after her OnlyFans “menu” appeared on screen 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Twitch bans streamer after her OnlyFans “menu” appeared on screen. Please like and share if You are interested!

An OnlyFans model has been banned on Twitch after she accidentally revealed her OF “menu” available live on stream.

Many Twitch streamers have made a killing through OnlyFans over the years, but keeping both professions separate can prove to be a bit of a challenge, with the Amazon-owned platform’s rules generally prohibiting the promotion of such content.

We’ve seen Twitch streamers like Alinity earn more through OnlyFans in months than they would have earned through years of streaming and a big reason for that is their pre-existing fanbase through non-adult sites.

While Twitch prohibits streamers from advertising their OF accounts, and they’re also not allowed to solicit sexually suggestive services – something that Lilylaness inadvertently did by showing her OnlyFans menu offerings.

During an August 15 broadcast, Lilylaness was on Twitch talking with her chat, when suddenly, her less-than-safe OnlyFans options popped up on stream.

The options seemed to resemble hot tub stream donation options where streamers would do jumping jacks, squats, or change outfits if they got a certain amount of tips, but these were much more sexual in nature.

For her part, Lilylaness quickly removed the text from the broadcast and seemed distraught when the menu appeared, but that didn’t stop Twitch from banning her.

“Users are prohibited from broadcasting, uploading, soliciting, offering, and linking to pornographic or sexually explicit content, and from offering or soliciting any sexual content in exchange for money, services, or items of value,” Twitch’s community guidelines state.

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So far, the OnlyFans model has yet to address the ban, but it does appear the suspension isn’t permanent as her channel states the account is only “temporarily unavailable.”

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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