
Val Chmerkovskiy- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Val Chmerkovskiy- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Val Chmerkovskiy- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Val Chmerkovskiy is a dancer from Ukraine. Valentin is a multi-faceted performer. He sings, dances, and is a rapper/songwriter who enjoys playing the violin and dancing. He is most recognized for his appearance on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars as a dancer. Val Chmerkovskiy has also appeared in 9 on-screen fights. He also has classical violin training. As a rapper and composer, he is also very interested in music.

Quick Facts

Real NameVal Chmerkovskiy
Nick NameVal
Date Of BirthMarch 24, 1986
Age37 years old
BirthplaceOdesa, Ukraine
ProfessionDancer, Singer
Height6 feet 0 inches
Weight86 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$7 million

Val Chmerkovskiy’s Age & Early Life

Valentin Aleksandrovich Chmerkovskiy was born on March 24, 1986, in Odesa, Ukraine. His astrological sign is Aries. Val is the son of Aleksandr and Larisa Chmerkovskiy, and he has a younger brother named Maksim. Val discovered his interest in dance at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, he competed in his first abroad tournament, the German Open. Val also made two appearances with his brother. His hometown is Brooklyn, New York, in the United States. He attended The Hudson School, which was founded in 2009-2010.

Val Chmerkovskiy Height & Weight

Val Chmerkovskiy is a dancer and choreographer who is 6 feet tall (183 cm) and weighs 86 kg (190 pounds). His hair is black, and his eyes are brown. There is no information on his shoe or clothing size.

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Val Chmerkovskiy- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1Val Chmerkovskiy- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2

Val Chmerkovskiy’s Net Worth

How much is Val Chmerkovskiy’s net worth? He has amassed an impressive net worth of $7 million as of July 2023. The majority of his earnings come from his dancing profession and commercial sponsorships.


He has been a US champion 14 times in his 15-year dancing career. In season 13, he was matched with model/actress Elisabetta Canalis. During his 14th and 15th seasons on Dancing with the Stars, he was teamed with comedian/talk show presenter Sherri Shepherd and actress Kelly Monaco, respectively. Valentin is one of the most accomplished Amateur Latin dancers in the history of Dancing with the Stars. He achieved all of this via hard labor. Valentin began dancing at the age of seven. He competed in his first abroad tournament, the German Open when he was 12 years old. As one of just two American couples present (his brother being the other).

Valentin won his first IDSF World Championship when he was 15 years old, becoming the first and only American to accomplish so. He has won the German Open, Asian-Pacific Championships, US Open, Blackpool, and two World Championships (Junior and Youth). Valentin is the co-owner of Dance With Me Dance Studios, one of the nation’s premier social dance studios with facilities in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Valentin is a vivacious multi-talented performer who plays the violin, dances and is pursuing a career as a rapper/songwriter. Recent songs include “Champagne Diet,” “White Boy Boogie,” and “Straight Outta Jersey.” His determination, discipline, and concentration are all rungs on his achievement ladder.

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Val Chmerkovskiy Wife & Marriage

Who is Val Chmerkovskiy’s wife? Val Chmerkovskiy, a dancer, is married. He has gone down the aisle with Jenna Johnson, another dancer. They were engaged in June 2018 and married on April 13, 2019. On January 10, 2023, the couple welcomed their son Rome Valentin. The kid came after two years of infertility struggles and hundreds of negative tests for the couple.

He has been in a relationship with Amber Rose, a 33-year-old American personality. Their relationship began in 2016 and ended a year later in 2017. Similarly, in 2014, he dated 28-year-old American actress Janel Parrish. He also dated Kelly Monaco, a 41-year-old American actress, in 2012 and dissolved their relationship in 2013. He has also dated Chloe Bennet, a 25-year-old American actress.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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