In this Article, We will know about Valentina Buzzurro- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career. Please like and share if You are interested!
Valentina Buzzurro is an Italian television actress, model, YouTuber, influencer, social media celebrity, and media face. She has been in a number of well-known television shows.
Quick Facts
Full Real Name | Valentina Buzzurro. |
Date of Birth | 22 June 2000. |
Age (as of 2023) | 23 years old. |
Nationality | Italian. |
Place of Birth | Sicily, Italy. |
Current Residence | Mexico, America. |
Profession | Television Actress, Model, YouTuber, Influencer, Social Media Star, and Media Face. |
Net worth | USD 1 Million (approx.). |
Zodiac Sign | Taurus. |
Religion | Christian. |
Ethnicity | White. |
Education | High School Graduated. |
School/College | Local school in Italy. |
Valentina Buzzurro’s Age & Early Life
Valentina Buzzurro was born on 22 June 2000. She is 23 years old (as of 2023) based on her birth date. Sicily, Italy, is where she was born. She is now residing in Mexico. Valentina finished her primary school education in a small school in Italy. Buzzurro attended a local institution in Mexico after finishing her secondary education. She was an excellent student. She was also interested in art and craft.
Valentina Buzzurro Height & Weight
She is around 5 feet 5 inches tall, according to reports. Her physical weight is roughly 54 kg. Her physical dimensions are 32-24-32 inches (approx.) according to sources. She has lovely brown eyes. Her hair has a dark brown tone. Her physique is thin and curvaceous.

![Valentina Buzzurro- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2]()
Valentina Buzzurro’s Net Worth
How much is Valentina Buzzurro’s net worth? She is a well-known model, actor, and brand marketer on YouTube. She makes a solid living from her several jobs. Her sources of revenue include her social media management, brand marketing, and acting profession. Her net worth is estimated to be $1 million dollars.
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Buzzurro began her career as an actress in television shows. She made her debut in the 2014 series A Separate Wind. She collaborated with several well-known co-stars in the TV series Vencer el pasado, including Angelique Boyer, Sebastián Rulli, and Erika Buenfil. Buzzurro has collaborated with well-known Mexican filmmakers and creators such as Pedro Armando Rodriguez and Claudia Velazco. She posted her hot and steamy photos on her Instagram account. She became a social media sensation and gained a lot of attention by publishing her videos and images.
Many television programs have included her, including Vencer el desamor, Vencer el pasado, Halfway to Somewhere, El Candidato, Barbara’s Sins, Arrhythmia, Olimpia, Luis Miguel: The Programs, and El Seor de los Cielos. Valentina also has her own YouTube account. Her YouTube channel has 17.1 million followers (as of November 2021). Her YouTube account was largely used to showcase her everyday vlogs and singing videos.
Buzzurro published her debut YouTube video on May 17, 2017. Her video, Vlog 1- A Bit of My Day, had 2.5 million views (till November 2021). Valentina just uploaded a video on YouTube titled Did You Notice Me on November 2, 2021. At the time of writing, this video has 57,500 views. “My Skin Routine” is the most popular video on her YouTube account. In which she revealed the key to her radiant and perfect skin. As of November 20, 2021, this video has 139 thousand views. She has a lovely voice and often released singing videos in which she sang several well-known tunes.
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Valentina Buzzurro Boyfriend & Dating
Who is Valentina Buzzurro dating? Valentina did not reveal anything about her prior life. We learned via her Instagram account that she is now dating a prominent actor, influencer, model, and social media personality. Luis Curiel is the name of her lover.
Luis is a well-known Mexican actor as well. He has been in a number of Netflix programs. She is really popular on social media. They often exchanged photos with one other on their Instagram accounts. Luis and Valentina had been dating for a long time. The pair is going to marry, but they have not revealed any formal details about their wedding.
Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography
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