
Veronica Montelongo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023

Veronica Montelongo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Veronica Montelongo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Veronica Montelongo is an aspiring actress who came to popularity after marrying Armando Montelongo, an American real estate magnate, and public speaker. She also starred in the action film Line of Duty, which chronicled the journey of four friends.

Quick Facts

Real NameVeronica Montelongo
Nick NameVeronica
Date Of BirthN/A
BirthplaceUnited States
Height5 feet 5 inches
Weight76 kg
Hair ColorBrown
Eye colorBlack
Net Worth$1 million

Veronica Montelongo’s Age & Early Life

Veronica Montelongo seems to be in her late forties, despite the lack of knowledge about her early life, father, mother, and siblings. Her birthplace is the United States, and she is of Caucasian origin. Her educational history is unclear.

Veronica Montelongo Height & Weight

Her body measurement information is unknown. Based on her images, we can conclude that she has brown hair and black eyes. Her height is 5 feet 5 inches, and she weighs 76 kg.

Veronica Montelongo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 1Veronica Montelongo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2

Veronica Montelongo’s Net Worth

How much is Veronica Montelongo’s net worth? Veronica Montelongo’s net worth may be approximately $1 million according to July 2023 statistics, but her actual net worth is still being determined. She made a good living from her appearances on the A&E TV show Flip This House. She earned $100,000-$200,000 each year as a property flipper. Meanwhile, as part of her divorce settlement with her ex-husband, Montelongo earned substantial alimony.

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According to accounts, she earned $4,000 per week plus a $250,000 yearly payout for five years (until 2016). In the summer of 2017, however, the TV actress claimed to the court that Armando still owed her $147,500, but he refuted the charges, claiming that he compensated her by $47,600.  


Montelongo began her career as a home flipper, and she and her ex-husband were subsequently offered a TV program called Flip This Home on A&E. The program, which debuted on television in 2005, followed the acquisition and repair of homes. Armando’s brother, David Montelongo, and his wife, Melina Montelongo, also appeared on the program.

The couple, however, quit the program after two seasons owing to disagreements between the brothers over home selection. Montelongo has tried her hand at acting, appearing in the action film Line of Duty. She has not yet earned any accolades.

Veronica Montelongo Husband & Marriage

Who is Veronica Montelongo’s husband? Veronica Montelongo is currently unmarried. However, according to insiders, she is engaged to her boyfriend, John Morales. She was formerly married to her longtime lover, Armando Montelongo. The pair married in 1994. Their wedding was a small affair attended only by family and close friends. They had been married for 14 years until her spouse filed for divorce in June 2011; the divorce was completed in April 2012.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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