
Vijaya Iyer- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Vijaya Iyer- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Vijaya Iyer- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Vijaya Iyer is a well-known American composer, pianist, bandleader, producer, and author. He was defined as a social conscience, multimedia collaborator, system creator, rhapsodist, intercultural gateway, and historical thinker by the New York Times. He is now the Franklin D. and Florence Rosenblatt Professor of the Arts in the Department of Music at Harvard University.

Quick Facts

Real NameVijaya Iyer
Nick NameVijaya
Date Of BirthOctober 26, 1971
Age51 years old
BirthplaceAlbany, New York, USA
ProfessionMusician, Composer
Height5 feet 8 inches
Weight60 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorBlack
Net Worth$1 million -$3 million

Vijaya Iyer’s Age & Early Life

Vijaya Iyer was born in Albany, New York, USA on October 26, 1971. He was, however, reared in Fairport, New York. He is of Indian-American origin and has American citizenship. His given name is Raghunathan, but he changed it to Iyer after graduating from Yale. Raghu Raghunathan and Sita Raghunathan are his parents. He has an elder sister, Pratima, who works as a scientist in Georgia.

Vijaya was born in India, but his parents moved to the United States in the mid-1960s. His father came to the University of Florida at the time to pursue a Ph.D. in Pharmacology. Moving on to his education, Iyer attended Yale University and obtained his bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics. Following that, he enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley to earn a PhD in physics.

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Iyer’s parents brought him to violin lessons when he was three years old, and he underwent 15 years of Western classical violin tuition. He continued to pursue his musical interests after graduation, participating in bands headed by drummers E. W. Wainwright and Donald Bailey. In the same year, he collaborated with Steve Coleman and George E. Lewis.

Vijaya Iyer Height & Weight

Vijaya Iyer is 5 feet 8 inches tall. He weighs approximately 60 kg. He has lovely warm black eyes and Black hair. There is no information on his chest-waist-hip measurements, dress size, shoe size, biceps, and so on.

Vijaya Iyer- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1Vijaya Iyer- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2

Vijaya Iyer’s Net Worth

How much is Vijaya Iyer’s net worth? According to some recognized web sources, Vijaya’s net worth as of July 2023 is in the region of $1 million – $3 million. However, his annual income, salary, and other assets are still being scrutinized.


The band issued many albums with Steve Coleman and George E. Lewis, including Break Stuff, Accelerando, Historicity, and others. In 2003, he and American hip hop artist Mike Ladd released their collaborative studio album, In What Language, on PI Recordings. The Asia Society commissioned the song, which is about airports, anxiety, and monitoring before and after 9/11.

Still Life with Commentator (2007) and Holding to Down: The Veteran’s Dreams Project (2013) are most likely his main collaborative albums with Ladd. In 1996, Iyer collaborated with Rudresh Mahanthappa, a New York-based jazz alto saxophonist and composer, on eight albums, five under Iyer’s name and three under Mahanthappa’s own.Similarly, he has worked as a composer for classical groups and soloists, with his music ‘Mutations I-X’ being chosen and debuted by the string quartet Ethel in 2005. The American Composers Orchestra commissioned and debuted ‘Interventions’ in 2007.

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Furthermore, Iyer was the 2019-2020 Composer-in-Residence at Wigmore Hall in London, England. He was named the Franklin D. and Florence Rosenblatt Professor of the Arts at Harvard’s Department of African and African American Studies in 2018.

Vijaya Iyer Wife & Marriage

Who is Vijaya Iyer’s wife? Vijaya Iyer is a husband. He is presently in a loving marriage with Christina Sunita Leslie. The pair married in New York in 1999. The couple also had a daughter, whose name is still unknown. He now lives in Central Harlem with his wife and children.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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