
W. Morgan Sheppard- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

W. Morgan Sheppard- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about W. Morgan Sheppard- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Morgan Sheppard is a well-known British actor. He is most known for his parts in television shows such as ‘Doctor Who,’ ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,’ and ‘Dexter,’ among others. In addition, he has acted in a number of additional films over his career.

Quick Facts

Real NameW. Morgan Sheppard
Nick NameMorgan
Date Of BirthAugust 24, 1932
Age90 years old
Height5 feet 9 inches
Weight78 kg
Hair ColorGrey
Eye colorBlue
Net Worth$16 million

W. Morgan Sheppard’s Age & Early Life

W. Morgan Sheppard was born on August 24, 1932, in London. He was drawn to the world of show business from a young age and aspired to be an actor. He is a British citizen. Furthermore, he comes from an Anglo-Irish family. Sheppard received his schooling at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in 1958.

W. Morgan Sheppard Height & Weight

In terms of height, Sheppard stands at 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 m). In addition, his hair is grey and his eyes are blue.

W. Morgan Sheppard- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1W. Morgan Sheppard- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2

W. Morgan Sheppard’s Net Worth

How much is W. Morgan Sheppard’s net worth? Sheppard has not disclosed his current pay. In addition, as of July 2023, his net worth is expected to be $16 million.

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Sheppard was first featured in the TV show “Theatre Night.” Next, in 1962, he had a tiny part in the movie ‘Strongroom’. Sheppard also appears in the 1967 film ‘Marat/Sade’. In the TV show ‘The Expert,’ he also portrayed the Landlord. In 1973, he starred as William Hancock in ‘The Roses of Eyam’ and also had a brief part in ‘The Up and Down, in and Out, and Round About Man’. He has since acted in a slew of additional films and television shows. He has almost 180 acting credits in total.

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Sheppard has also appeared in a number of films and television series, including ‘The Librarians,’ ‘Last Man Club,’ ‘Free Birds,’ ‘April Apocalypse,’ ‘The Devil’s Dozen,’ ‘Young Justice,’ ‘The AOF Channel,’ ‘Meeting Spencer,’ ‘For Christ’s Sake,’ ‘Mysterious Island,’ ‘Farewell Mr. He also appeared in a Royal Shakespeare Company performance of ‘US’ at the Aldwych Theatre. Sheppard got the Action on Film Award for his role in ‘The last Man Club in 2016. He has also been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition, he received the Gold Remi Award for ‘Last Man Club’ at WorldFest Houston in 2016.

W. Morgan Sheppard Wife & Marriage

Who is W. Morgan Sheppard wife? There is no information on W. Morgan Sheppard’s previous or current relationships. Mark Sheppard is his son. Mark is also an actor best known for his role in the television series “Supernatural.” Morgan also has two grandchildren, Max Sheppard and Will Sheppard.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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