
What Happened In Episode 7 Of Buddy Daddies? Detailed Explanation In English Subbed 2023

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Buddy Daddies is a new anime. People like the story. If you are someone who is looking for a detailed explanation then you have come to the right place.

You will get complete details about episode 7 of Buddy Daddies in this article. Read on for more details.

Dear Dad episode 7Dear Dad episode 7

What happened in episode 7 of Buddy Daddies?

In the previous episode, we saw a new personality shown. The new personality is revealed to be Karin. Everyone assumed he was an assassin for Kyuutaro.

Later, this assumption was broken because she was Kazuki’s sister-in-law. Karin wants to know more about Kazuki. Not much information was shared about Kazuki. Karin visits the Yadorigi cafe.

Kazuki went through a lot of mental hardship after a tragic experience. It was immediately haunting. Is he guilty of the death of his wife and unborn child?

He was seen at Miri school. He was there to pick her up. While waiting in the garden, he saw hydrangeas which made him sad.

He is missing his wife. He arrived home and found a photo that he wanted to keep away from others. He feels bad after realizing that Miri and Rei are only with him because of their personal business.

They don’t take him seriously. He is fed up with his life. He left the house and started walking towards the cafe where his sister-in-law was sitting.

His sister-in-law returned all the money he sent her. Kazuki tries to run away because he doesn’t want to remember the tragic day he lost his wife.

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Dear Dad episode 7Dear Dad episode 7

He felt extremely guilty. He reveals that he took his pregnant wife with him on a mission. He lost his wife and unborn child in a truck explosion. He cannot forgive himself.

He was so disturbed by the incident that he decided not to bring even one pet with him on the mission. Miri is changing the hopeless lives of Rei and Kazuki.

He just wants to be the best father to Miri. He went to the grave of his wife, Yuzuha. He said as he looked towards the grave that he still remembered their anniversary.

Dear Dad episode 7Dear Dad episode 7

He considers himself responsible for his wife’s death. Karin tries to make him understand that feeling guilty will get him nowhere. It will destroy him.

She advises her to do things that make her happy. Miri is his healing cloud. This is all for the final episode. We will continue to bring such updates to you. Stay tuned for more details.

This episode of Best Friends made me cry, I feel so bad that Kazuki had to watch the person he loved die in front of him and live with that guilt for so long

– helia (@denjictrl) February 17, 2023

Buddy Daddies decided they were making us feel too happy, so instead they hit us with emotions this week. This was Kazuki’s final congratulations on overcoming his grief.

– Anime Trend (@AniTrendz) February 18, 2023

We are literally 7 episodes in and I’m ready to START INVESTING for the second season. The suffocation this show is causing me is unreal…Only 5 more episodes left until the show ends. I won’t be able to accept it ending. I DECLINE.#BuddyDaddy

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— Fady (@FadyChan4869xX) February 17, 2023

Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Bio

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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