
What happened to Jenna Marbles? Controversies, leaving YouTube & more 2023

What happened to Jenna Marbles? Controversies, leaving YouTube & more 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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Jenna Marbles posted her last ever YouTube in 2020 after shocking her fans with her retirement announcement. But where is she now? Here’s everything we know.

Jenna Nicole Mourey, also known as Jenna Marbles, was one of the original stars of YouTube with over 20 million subscribers. Known for her comedic skits and hilarious videos with her many dogs, Marbles racked up a reputation as a well-loved comedian and was one of the first prominent YouTube celebs to emerge on social media.

However, in 2020, Marbles, 36, announced her decision to step away from social media and content creation, and she’s yet to post another video as of three years later.

But what happened to her and why did she leave the Internet? Here’s everything we know.

Jenna Marbles, YouTubeJenna Marbles hasn’t posted a video on YouTube in over three years

What happened to Jenna Marbles?

On June 25, 2020, Marbles uploaded her final video to her YouTube channel (which has since been deleted), where she informed her subscribers that she was departing from YouTube.

It came after old videos of her portraying blackface resurfaced in the midst of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. One such video was posted in 2011, where Marbles imitated Nicki Minaj.

Jenna was also involved in other instances of controversy, such as her appearance in a 2011 music video where she seemingly contributed to racist lyrics against Asians with her vocals. There were also other clips where she made offensive remarks, downplayed other women, and engaged in questionable behavior.

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In the now deleted apology video, Jenna addressed all of the accusations. She said: “I do want to tell you how unbelievably sorry I am if I ever offended you by posting this video or by doing this impression, and that that was never my intention.”

She went on to announce that she would not be posting more videos on the channel, and said she was uncertain whether or not she would ever go back to making more videos.

What is Jenna Marbles doing now?

Her social media accounts remain largely inactive, and little is known about her current endeavors. However, a significant announcement regarding her personal life did surface recently.

In April 2021, fans of Jenna Marbles received their first update about her life in nearly a years. During a livestream on Twitch, her partner Julien Solomita announced that he and Jenna were engaged.

In December 2022, Julien took to Instagram to reveal that they had gotten married after nine years together.

In January 2023, Julien revealed to fans that his and Jenna’s home had been broken into by a woman after months of harassment.

Julien published a statement on the subject to his Instagram stories that day, claiming that the intruder had been stalking and harassing him and his wife for “months.” Luckily, he was able to apprehend the stranger with pepper spray and locked her out of their home until law enforcement arrived.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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