
What happened to TikToker Rubee Lana? YouTube video sparks concern 2023

What happened to TikToker Rubee Lana? YouTube video sparks concern 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about What happened to TikToker Rubee Lana? YouTube video sparks concern. Please like and share if You are interested!

Rubee Lana is going viral for her latest video on TikTok as well as on YouTube which has led to viewers being concerned about her wellbeing. Here’s what we know.

The TikToker has proven to be massively popular for her videos on faith, as well as her dance videos, on the short-form video platform. At the time of writing, she has amassed a huge following of over 5 million.

Rubee posted a short clip on August 7, leading her fans to wonder what has happened exactly. This video was a short snippet of her elaborate YouTube video which is titled, My Last Video!

The content creator’s short clip on TikTok was focused on her deleting her social media permanently as she said she is completely broke.

TikToker shares story about apostles

She started off her 1 hour 41 minutes video on YouTube by telling viewers that she has come here to confess some things that “God wants me to confess”.

The TikToker clarified that seven days after her video is published, she will be deleting all of her social media accounts permanently.

Rubee shared her story where she said an apostle messaged her on TikTok and revealed they have a message for her from God, asking her to join a Zoom call.

The content creator explained that she felt it will be a “heavy word” from God and went on to share elaborate details about the past couple of months.

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The alleged apostle told her that she has received a deadline for removing herself from social media, which she initially opposed.

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However, the TikToker was told by the apostle that she has to leave her previous ministry and join her ministry, Free Him Now, which she runs along with her husband, apostle Berthold.

Throughout the video, she reveals about certain instances in her life where she was given instructions from the apostles like moving from California to Chicago and then to Florida.

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This led her to have an argument with her family as she also revealed her sole source of income was social media. She also shared a story about a Christian man that she met and claims that he was speaking in different tongues.

She went back home after the man told her to but ends up getting a message from Berthold, saying she has committed a “grievous act” towards God and to Free Him Now ministry.

Rubee is then told she would be kicked out of the ministry, leading them to send her a cease form and she fasts for three days to get back in.

The content creator shared that she was given a submission form which according to her “legally binds me, spiritually.”

A TikTok user luuhvllyy noted that the videos of both Rubee and the Apostles are edited in the exact same way. The person even noted that the creator’s cash app links to the Free Him Now ministry.

The creator even shared comments by apostle Adilia where she says: “She (Rubee) needs to get away from y’all to get closer to God.”

Many TikTokers have reacted to the video sharing that God would not need them to do anything to be loved.

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Some believe that Rubee is already with the ministry and expressed their concern about her. Users are even going back to some of the TikToker’s clips, hoping she is safe.

Many of her fans have also taken to the TikTok accounts of the apostles as they write, “Free Rubee”.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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