
What is TikTok’s European summer trend? 2023

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TikTokers take to the platform to share their own European summer.

TikTok summer trends are full of fun content put together by millions of influencers, and lately, the hashtag ‘European summer’ has received over one billion views — but what does it mean?

Summer calls for sunshine, tanned skin, and weekends by the water where the perfect TikTok content can be created.

Though summer 2023 is far from over, there’s been plenty of TikTok trends going viral like tomato girl summer, cozy cardio, and even tanning your skin with beer… yes, beer.

However, one of the most recent trends, which has received a staggering number of views, is the hashtag ‘European summer.’

The term ‘Amalfi Coast’ has received over one billion TikTok views

A European summer is much like the tomato girl summer trend, where TikTok users shared their chicest European-inspired attire with the plump fruit on it.

However, a European summer highlights the many places near the Mediterranean that TikTokers have traveled.

There’s the Amalfi Coast in Italy, which has received over one billion views on TikTok. There’s also Greece, where many other social media users have ventured to and shared their meals, adventures, and bikini pics. And let’s not forget Spain and Croatia, where the days end in DJ sets and cute outfits. 

Other popular European countries where TikTokers have created their European summer videos are France, Malta, Portugal, Switzerland, and more.

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TikToker Audrey Peters has even taken to the platform to give her insight on what’s best to pack for your European summers. She notes that the triangle bikini is a girl’s best friend, while a high heel is a no-go due to cobblestones and long walks to the club after having your favorite pasta dish. 

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Peters’ 700K followers took to her TikTok to share their agreement on the trending topic, saying, “As someone who lives in Europe, she’s right.”

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Since a European summer can be taxing on the finances, creating your own European-inspired getaway is also doable. You’ll just need white-linen attire, your favorite mocktails, and of course, some tasty tapas while you imagine the sea breeze wisping through your hair.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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