
Who Is Timothy Liscum? Satellite High School Teacher Arrested Over attempted to meet minor for $ex 2023

Who Is Timothy Liscum? Satellite High School Teacher Arrested Over attempted to meet minor for $ex 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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It was shocking to hear that a high school teacher was arrested for seducing a s3x student. This incident occurred in Brevard County, where a teacher at Satellite High School was arrested on felony charges. Deputies with the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office said the man attempted to pimp a student for s3x. The identity of the arrested teacher has been revealed. He is known as Timothy Liscum. Since this news hit the internet, it has sent shockwaves through those connected to Satellite High School and know Timothy Liscum firsthand. You are requested to follow this page and must go through the following sections for more details. Follow more updates on PKBNews

Satellite High School teacher Timothy Liscum was arrestedSatellite High School teacher Timothy Liscum was arrested

Who is Timothy Liscum?

Timothy Liscum is a 64-year-old man from Melbourne. He teaches at the satellite high school. Deputies said Timothy Liscum went to a location in Brevard County to meet with a student. Timothy Liscum allegedly used a computer to solicit a student and approached him after using a computer to lure a child into having sex with him. Meanwhile, the Brevard County Sheriff arrested him Sunday afternoon. Please scroll down the page and read more detailed information about the teacher. UGA football player RaRa Thomas was arrested

Satellite high school teacher arrested

According to details provided by the Brevard Police Department, the arrested teacher had worked with Brevard County Schools for the past 30 years. “I think it’s crazy that someone who is trusted by children would do that,” a sophomore at Satellite High School named Brooke Burnley said after hearing about the matter Monday. He added: “I thought it was gross, disgusting.” The police release also revealed that the investigation into the matter began earlier this week after the Satellite Beach Police Department requested assistance in the investigation. Video of Terquavion Smith’s injury

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The complainant said the high school teacher had electronic contact with one of his students at the school. The student who received the text message from the 64-year-old teacher was concerned about the teacher’s intentions and told another student and another teacher. Police said the teacher discussed the matter with the school administration and then also discussed it with the student’s parents. Liscum is currently being held in the Brevard County Jail on $70,000 bail. Petawawa Kia Manager fighting video

TagSatellite High School Teacher Arrested Timothy Liscum

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Source: Tekmonk Bio

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