
Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21? 2023

Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21? 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21?. Please like and share if You are interested!

The second round of tryouts for American Idol season 21 will be broadcast on ABC this Sunday, February 26 at 8 p.m. ET. The show will feature 14 vocalists competing in the famous music challenge in front of judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie. Trey Lemley (stage name Trey Louis) is a famous vocalist from Santa Fe, Texas. He started performing and filming videos of himself at work at Mattress Firm, one of which went popular on TikTok and attracted the attention of an American Idol director.

Trey Louis, an American Idol candidate, was a victim of the Sante Fe High School massacre.

Trey Louis is a Dallas Cowboys supporter who finished Santa Fe High School in 2019. He frequently shares his performing videos on social media, with some of them becoming popular, such as You Should Definitely Exit and Shattered Halos. He survived the Sante Fe High School attack on May 18, 2018, and was rescued by a pupil he didn’t know at the time, Christian Riley Garcia.

Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21? 1Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21? 2

In an Instagram post six days after the event, he revealed that he took shelter in a cupboard after the accused opened fire in his art classroom. Christian instructed him to flee the supply cupboard while he assumed responsibility for keeping the door open. Trey discovered after leaving through the school’s rear entrance that he was the only one in his class who had successfully fled. That day, many of his instructors, including Christian Riley Garcia, died. In the article, he stated:

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“It’s true. I’m not going to be the same again. Nobody in art class will ever be the same again, and these instructors will never be the same… This only strengthened us, and nothing can halt the force of a powerful collective family.”

Ten people died as a consequence of the tragic incident. Trey now wishes to portray his community in a good way, nearly five years after the event. In a conversation with ABC13, he stated:

“It’s a nice little community that had a terrible accident.”

Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21? 3Who Is Trey Louis From “American Idol” Season 21? 4

Trey’s mother, Laurie, also stated in her interview that she recognized God had a purpose for saving him in 2018, and that reason was to do something positive for their community. On TikTok, he has over 1,150,000 fans. Louis also sang “Stone” by Whisky Myers in memory of his late buddy Chris Stone, who was killed in the attack.

American Idol Season 21

Ryan Seacrest hosts Season 21 of American Idol, which is evaluated by Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie. To qualify for the Hollywood Week Challenge, the candidates auditioned in Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Nashville. Diamond ticket holders will be able to bypass the first round of the tournament and choose their duo companion ahead of the rest. The victor of the music challenge will receive the “American Idol” title and a monetary reward after numerous fights on various topics and stages.

The series is described by ABC as follows:

“Several competitors from America demonstrate their vocal ability in front of a group of distinguished evaluators to earn the championship and a record company contract.”

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Every Sunday at 8 p.m. ET, ABC broadcasts new shows of American Idol. Following the broadcast debut, the network transfers the shows to YouTube.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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