
Woman goes viral after finding stranger living under her house 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Woman goes viral after finding stranger living under her house. Please like and share if You are interested!

A TikToker named Ashly Guardino shared her horrifying experience of finding a stranger living underneath her house without any permission.

TikTok user Ashly Guardino, shared a video of her finding a man she didn’t know living under her home in Lake Elsinore, California.

The video, which went viral with over six million views in three days, shows Ashly going outside to see what the noise was that she was hearing and soon took the viewers on a shocking journey.

Here’s everything that happened.

Woman finds man living under her home

Ashly starts the video by explaining the situation: “So it’s 6 o’clock in the morning. We woke up because we heard a noise.”

She looks away from the camera before continuing: “Oh, here comes the police. We heard this noise, and so I came outside. I thought somebody was on the roof. I’m looking around, standing at the front door and I’m peeking out… I see the grass moving.

“A f**king arm comes out of the hole and is feeling around.”

She shows viewers the original open hole next to her front door before moving to the side of her house to show how the suspect got into the crawl space.

“There is a whole ass man living here for months,” she continued. “Living underneath the house… Imagine being half-awake and seeing a dirty arm come out of this hole.”

The video flashes forward to an officer speaking with the man underneath Ashly’s home. Then, it jumps to two officers, with guns drawn, commanding the suspect to climb out from underneath the property. Eventually, the man crawls outside and is placed under arrest.

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“Oh, he’s high as sh*t,” Ashly comments once she gets a good look at him. Her final frame shows officers escorting the suspect from the house to a police cruiser.

She soon did another update, after they’d boarded up the whole where the man had used to get under the house. After hearing meowing, Ashly soon went on to find a kitten in distress under the house. They quickly had to find a way to get to the cat without un-boarding the hole again.

But it all had a happy ending as they managed to reach the cat and the family now has taken the kitten into their home as a new family member.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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