
xQc hits back at critics complaining about him gambling on Kick streams 2023

xQc hits back at critics complaining about him gambling on Kick streams 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about xQc hits back at critics complaining about him gambling on Kick streams. Please like and share if You are interested!

Streaming star Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel hit out at critics of him deciding to gamble on stream again, claiming they’ve been waiting to “pile on” at the right time.

Gambling on stream has long been a hot-button topic within the streaming community, especially given how many big streamers have done it in the past and also been sponsored at the same time.

With Twitch increasingly clamping down on gambling content – including casino slots and CSGO skin betting – a few streamers have turned to Kick. The Stake-backed platform was built following Twitch’s first crackdown on gambling streams and allows streamers to broadcast pretty much anything. 

xQc is the biggest name they’ve been able to get to make the leap so far, and he had stayed away from gambling content until his August 15 stream. The Canadian decided to hit some slots and other games, which sparked backlash from viewers.

xQc hits back at backlash over gambling on stream again

He brought his stream to a close shortly after that, suggesting some viewers had been waiting to pounce on it given all the criticism he’s faced recently after his relationship with FRAN ended over cheating.

“It was just really, not disheartening, disappointing I’d say to see other people like waiting for me to be under fire again to pile on and get bonus points on their maps because they know I don’t have a good standing with the world right now, so they just want to pile on,” xQc said shortly before ending his Kick stream.

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“It’s just weird to see people and their opportunism. It is what it is though. Like I’ve always said, you don’t need timing when you’re right, you just don’t. If you have something to say and have some criticism with somebody, it doesn’t matter when you say it, you can just f*cking say it. Chiming in is stupid.”

As noted, the streaming star has been under fire recently after admitting to cheating on FRAN and for also hanging out with Adin Ross during recent streams in Las Vegas.

He’s also been in the center of drama over react content, with YouTubers hitting out at him for watching full videos on stream without links or giving much credit.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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