
xQc leaks conversation with Linus amid LTT fallout: “It was you, now it’s me” 2023

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In this Article, We will know about xQc leaks conversation with Linus amid LTT fallout: “It was you, now it’s me”. Please like and share if You are interested!

Linus Sebastian allegedly turned to fellow content creator xQc during his time of crisis. The streaming superstar just spilled the beans on a private conversation they had amid the string of controversies surrounding Linus Tech Tips.

It has been a turbulent week for Linus Tech Tips (LTT). What started with a viral video from Gamers Nexus, as the YouTube group hit out at LTT’s accuracy and ethical considerations, has since exploded into a wave of backlash.

A personal, written response from Linus Sebastian soon led to an in-depth apology video from multiple team leaders under the Linus Media Group (LMG) umbrella. While the group announced they’re halting production as they “get the house in order,” controversy has only continued to mount, especially given the apology itself was monetized.

Amid the sea of negativity, ex-employee Madison Reeve entered the conversation with a lengthy Twitter thread recounting her time at the company. Alleging everything from physical assault to sexism and inappropriate work conditions, Reeve’s comments caught fire in their own right and forced out a standalone response from the LTT team.

Now, it appears Linus reached out to a fellow content creator often under fire, xQc. Most recently in the spotlight for cheating allegations, gambling online, and his stance on react-based content, the streamer just leaked a private conversation he had with Canadian collaborator Linus.

“Bro, do I leak DMs?” xQc asked his thousands of viewers before answering his own question. Claiming “It’s a funny DM, so I’m allowed to leak it.”

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“It’s like six in the morning, I’m about to go to bed. My phone rings and out of everybody, it’s Linus.

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“He’s like ‘Holy sh** dude, it was you, now it’s me,’ something like that.”

Seemingly referring to xQc’s most recent controversy involving reaction content, one where others blasted him for arguably “stealing content,” Linus admitted the wave of social media backlash has now turned in his direction.

“It is what it is chat,” xQc said of the Linus Tech Tips saga taking the internet by storm this week. Though even with accusations piling up, the former LMG CEO allegedly still had time to lambast xQc during their call.

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“He still made sure to let me know he still does not agree with any of my takes, he believes I’m being deliberately stupid.”

For now, xQc is continuing to stream across both Twitch and Kick, despite further drama surrounding gambling broadcasts on the latter. While Linus and the rest of LTT have halted production on all future content as they address matters at hand.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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