Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, popularly known as YRKKH is an Indian Hindi-language romantic family drama television series aired on Starplus and streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. It premiered on 12 January 2009 and is Indian Television’s longest running soap opera. Produced by Rajan Shahi under Director Kut Productions, the film previously starred Hina Khan, Shivangi Joshi and Mohsin Khan. As of October 2021, the film stars Pranali Rathod and Harshad Chopda. It is a story that begins with the story of Akshara Maheshwari and Naitik Singhania. Both characters belong to the joint Marwari family and get married after the family’s spiritual advisor offers them an alliance. In an arranged marriage, Akshara and Naitik gradually fall in love and experience adjustment problems as members of a large family and parents of young children. Over the years, we have seen Star Plus’ most loved Show, “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” celebrate many milestones throughout the year. Now it’s time for another celebration at home as the show’s Leeds Mohsin Khan and Shewangi Joshi have successfully completed 1,200 episodes together
YRKKH Upcoming music
The show also shows stories of their relatives including cousins, parents and extended family.
After about 7 years of production, the film changed the plot to the next generation, mainly focusing on the married life of Naitik and Akshara’s daughter Naira, and her husband, Kartik Goenka.
After five years of Naira and Kartik’s journey, the story has entered another generation, focusing on Naira, Kartik and Sirat’s daughters, Akshara Goenka and Aarohi Goenka.
We have witnessed the emotional drama unfolding around the lives of Akshara, Abhinav and Abhimanyu, in the recent episodes of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. We have seen in previous episodes that Manjari is insecure about Akshara and Abhinav’s attachment to Abhir. To snatch Akshara’s meeting rights, Manjari will file a fresh complaint against her. Abhir was looking forward to meeting Abhinav and Akshara but Manjari tried to cancel the meeting. Disappointed because Abhir’s behavior is quite provocative and he shows signs of short temper. Akshara was not only shocked but also surprised to see the change in Abhir’s behavior and attitude. We will see how Akshara will blame Manjari and Abhimanyu for wrongly raising and spoiling her son in the upcoming episodes.
It will be interesting to see Akshara confront Abhimanyu and Manjari for not taking proper care of Abhir’s mental health. We have seen how Abhimanyu tried to justify Birlas and Manjari before Akshara in the previous episodes. But this time even Abhimanyu was shocked to see Abhir’s changed behavior. Abhimanyu knows Abhir’s soft and friendly nature but also observes Abhir from his Kasuali days. It will be interesting to see if Abhimanyu will now be alarmed by Abhir’s psychological and mental suffering.
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Source: Tekmonk Bio
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