
10 Amazing Facts About INS Vindhyagiri, India’s Advanced Stealth Frigate

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Indian President Droupadi Murmu launched INS Vindhyagiri, Indian Navy’s advanced stealing frigate on August 17 at Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE), near the bank of Hooghly River in Kolkata, West Bengal. “I am happy to be here at the launch of (INS) Vindhyagiri. This event marks a move forward in enhancing India’s maritime capabilities,” said President Murmu at the launch ceremony. 

👉President Smt Droupadi Murmu formally launching third warship of Project 17A (Yard 3024), INS Vindhyagiri built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited today in a special function in Kolkata.@rashtrapatibhvn @OfficialGRSE @PIB_India @DDBanglaNews @airnews_kolkata

— PIB in West Bengal (@PIBKolkata)
August 17, 2023

सशक्त और आत्मनिर्भर भारत 🇮🇳#INSVindhyagiri

— Piyush Goyal (@PiyushGoyal)
August 17, 2023

Here are 10 amazing facts that you need to know about the advanced Navy Frigate.


1. INS Vindhyagiri is the sixth stealth frigate built under Project-17 Alpha. It derives its name from Karnataka’s mountain range, Vindhya Range.


2. The Frigates developed under Project 17A follow the lineage of Project 17 (Shivalik Class) Frigates, boasting enhanced stealth attributes, advanced weaponry, sensors, and platform management systems.


3. According to GRSE officials, the P17A ships are classified as guided missile frigates, spanning a length of 149 meters and weighing around 6,670 tonnes, achieving a top speed of 28 knots. These frigates can counter threats across air, surface, and sub-surface domains.

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4. Under Project 17A, four ships by Mazagon Dock Ltd (MDL) and three by GRSE are under construction. Five, excluding INS Vindhyagiri, have already been constructed and were launched between 2019 and 2022.

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5. Vindhyagiri is the third and last stealth frigate constructed by the Kolkata-based shipbuilder for the Navy. Outfitted with cutting-edge technology, the vessel will undergo rigorous testing before joining the Indian Navy’s fleet upon commissioning.

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6. It pays homage to its predecessor, the Leander Class ASW Frigate, which was in service for 32 years from July 8, 1981, to Jun 11, 2012. 


7. 75% of equipment and systems used in the construction of Project 17A ships were sourced from indigenous firms, including Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). 


8. Officials from the Ministry of Defence say that the launch of INS Vindhyagiri will significantly enhance India’s defence industrial foundation. This move is aimed at reducing the dependence on foreign suppliers and bolstering self-sufficiency.


9. INS Vindhyagiri’s launch reflects India’s strides in building a self-reliant naval force, blending tradition and technology.


10. Beyond a ship, INS Vindhyagiri symbolizes India’s maritime journey, marking its name with pride and prowess on the seas.

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Links: 10 Amazing Facts About INS Vindhyagiri, India’s Advanced Stealth Frigate – Tekmonk Bio, 10 Amazing Facts About INS Vindhyagiri, India’s Advanced Stealth Frigate – Kungfutv, 10 Amazing Facts About INS Vindhyagiri, India’s Advanced Stealth Frigate – Blogtomoney

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