
15 Gay Celebrities Breaking Down Barriers  2023

15 Gay Celebrities Breaking Down Barriers  2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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Hollywood has come a long way in the last few years. While there are still many problems, the industry is much more accepting than in the past. Openly proud gay celebrities play a big part in gaining that acceptance. They use their platforms to have their voices heard. As often the loudest voices in the room, celebrities push for social changes in front and behind the camera.

These iconic LGBTQ+ celebrities are also incredibly talented individuals who deliver stellar performances whenever they are in front of a camera or a live audience. Many of these celebrities star in critically acclaimed movies or steal the spotlight with incredible performances. These are the funniest comedians in the world and the best-selling musicians in the industry. Here’s a look at 15 gay celebrities breaking down barriers and making an impact in Hollywood. 

15 Gay Celebrities Breaking Down Barriers 

1. Ellen DeGeneres

Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock

In the late 90s, comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres made headlines when she appeared on the cover of Time magazine with the heading “Yep, I”m Gay.” One week after coming out, her character on the hit sitcom Ellen also came out.

Her decision to come out publicly became a media frenzy that stalled her career. However, the groundbreaking LGBTQ celebrity wouldn’t let anything hold her back. She eventually became a cultural icon as the host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show from 2003 to 2022. 

2. Elliot Page

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With his breakout role in Juno and the X-Men franchise, Elliot Page became a household name. He continues to be one of the most influential celebs in the industry. Page first came out as gay in 2014.

Later in 2020, Page identified as transgender and non-binary using the pronouns he/they. Page made history as the first openly transgender man to appear on the cover of Time magazine in 2021.

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3. Little Nas X

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In 2019, Little Nas X exploded onto the scene and quickly became one of the most influential celebs in Hollywood. He became world-famous with the chart-topping single “Old Town Road.”

The Grammy-Award-winning artist is an advocate and supporter of the LGBTQ community. Despite fears that he might lose some fans, he came out as gay on the last day of Pride Month on social media in 2019.

4. Elton John

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There isn’t a person in the world that doesn’t know the iconic Elton John. The iconic musician is best known for the hit singles “Rocket Man,” “Tiny Dancer,” and “Candle in the Wind.” John started his first relationship with a man in the 60s and later identified as bisexual in 1976.

During an interview in 1992, John came out as gay and started a relationship with David Furnish in 1993. The couple married in 2014 and now have two sons. 

5. Cara Delevingne

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Supermodel Cara Delevingne is best known for her roles in Anna Karenina and the Suicide Squad. In 2018, Delevingne came out as genderfluid using the pronouns she/her.

At various times, she’s identified as pansexual and bisexual. She previously dated musician St. Vincent and actress Ashely Benson. 

6. Zachary Quinto 

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Actor Zachary Quinto achieved international fame with his roles in the Star Trek franchise, the TV series Heroes, and American Horror Story: Asylum. Like many celebrities, Quinto led a private life for years while supporting the LGBTQ community.

In 2011, Quinto decided to come out after the tragic suicide of 14-year-old teenager Jamey Rodemeyer. Quinto publicly came out to call attention to the situation and continue fighting for gay rights. 

7. Queen Latifah

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Queen Latifah has a long and illustrious career, first gaining fame for her critically acclaimed debut album, All Hail The Queen. For years, rumors swirled about her sexuality, but she refused to answer any questions.

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At the 2021 BET Awards, Latifah acknowledged her long-time partner Eboni Nichols and her son for the first time while accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award. She ended the speech by wishing everyone a Happy Pride. 

8. Ricky Martin

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Latin pop icon Ricky Martin is an influential musician that helped take Latin music to an international level. Known for the hit single, “Livin ‘la Vida Loca,” Martin struggled with coming out for years. He dated several women but couldn’t find a connection with any of them.

Despite his massive fame, Martin struggled with depression throughout that time. In 2010, Martin publicly came out as a gay man. He’s since become a significant LGBTQ advocate pushing for gay rights and equality. 

9. Neil Patrick Harris 

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Neil Patrick Harris rose to fame playing boy genius Doogie Howser on the hit series Doogie Howser M.D. and womanizer Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother. The multi-talented actor came out as gay in 2006 to kill any potential rumors. In 2007, Harris and then-fiance David Burtka confirmed their relationship on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Harris and Burtka married in 2014 and have twin boys via surrogate. Harris is an active supporter of the LGBTQ community and is involved with several charities, including the Trevor Project.

10. Laverne Cox

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Laverne Cox is one of the world’s most influential and famous transgender stars. She gained worldwide fame in the critically acclaimed Netflix series Orange is the New Black. At a very young age, she attempted suicide after developing feelings for a male classmate.

She endured years of bullying for simply being herself. The LGBTQ advocate became the first transgender person to portray a recurring transgender character on the CBS series Doubt. 

11. Sam Smith

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Few musicians can compare with international sensation Sam Smith. They’re best known for the top-rated singles “Stay with Me,” “I’m Not the Only One,” and “Writing on the Wall.” Smith struggled with their sexuality throughout their life.

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Smith came out as gay in 2014 when discussing their relationship with model Jonathan Ziezel. In 2017, Smith identified as genderqueer. Later, they came out as non-binary using the pronouns they/them in 2019. 

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12. Wanda Sykes

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Stand-up comedian Wanda Sykes has spent most of her career breaking down barriers. She has appeared in memorable sitcoms and movies. Sykes first came out as a lesbian at a same-sex marriage rally in 2008. The following month, Sykes married a French woman, Alex Niedbalski.

At the time, Sykes’s parents didn’t support her decision and chose not to attend the wedding. Later, Sykes and her parents reconciled. She’s an active supporter of equal rights and the LGBTQ community. 

13. Anderson Cooper

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World-famous journalist Anderson Cooper is best known as the host of the CNN news program Anderson Cooper 360. As a member of the iconic Vanderbilt family, Cooper always led a very private life. In 2012, he began to feel differently and came out publicly.

At one point, he was the most openly gay journalist in America. Known as a staunch supporter and advocate for the LGBTQ community, GLAAD has awarded Cooper several accolades for his work in journalism. 

14. Miley Cyrus

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Pop icon Miley Cyrus had her career break as the star of Disney’s Hannah Montana. Later, she became a pop sensation with record-breaking albums. Cyrus is an open book when it comes to her sexuality and relationships. She identifies as pansexual, gender fluid, and queer.

Cyrus is a big supporter and advocate for the LGBTQ community. In 2014, Cyrus founded the Happy Hippie Foundation, which helps homeless LGBTQ youths. 

15. Jodie Foster

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Hollywood icon Jodie Foster starred in several critically acclaimed movies, including Taxi Driver, Inside Man, and The Silence of the Lambs. The two-time Academy Award-winning actress began dating Cydney Bernard in 1993.

During an awards show, she publicly acknowledged the relationship after fourteen years of dating. In 2013, she famously came out during her speech at the Golden Globe Awards. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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