
33.000 euro, will be donated to the Red Cross for relief efforts in the feline corona virus

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The Dutch population is 33.000 euros to the Red Cross to be donated in order to further the spread of the COVID-19-the virus from entering the system. For the d

The Dutch population is 33.000 euros to the Red Cross to be donated in order to further the spread of the COVID-19-the virus from entering the system. For the duration of the fundraiser was last week and the account number 7244 open.

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The money raised will be used to inform the public and aid, in countries where people have been infected with the corona virus. This is happening not only in Asia but also in Africa and Europe.

The Red Cross in Italy, with around three thousand workers are active. They will help you, for example, for the transport of potentially infected persons with a special marking. In addition, the Red Cross, and education in the country.

The organisation is collected in several countries, the money in it. For the scale-up of the global relief effort, the Red Cross, 30 million euros are needed. The spokesman stressed that “every little bit helps”.

the Red Cross is providing aid in North Korea

The Red Cross is given a privileged position in North Korea’s assistance to be granted. Under normal circumstances this would not be permitted due to the sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the Asian country for four years and have imposed on them.

the health organisation, WHO, has, at this time, there is no indication that the people in North Korea have been infected with the virus.

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The name of the new corona virus causes some confusion. It is hoped that this explanation will be suitable. Health organization WHO chose to be in the beginning for the provisional name of 2019-nCoV , while the virus is actually, officially the SARS-CoV-2 , as it is called. The organization took this name, which is called by the Dutch institute for public health and has been used to be difficult to find, because it is too reminiscent of the SARS outbreak in 2002. In the meantime, the WHO has chosen to make the temporal name to 2019-nCoV has to be replaced by the simpler COVID-a 19-a virus . You will, therefore, be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 (used by GOVERNMENT), or COVID-19-virus (used by WHO), and you will die from the disease, COVID-19. it has the names of WHO to stick to it. We’ll use the corona virus as an alias for this virus.

Date Of Update: 25 February 2020, 12:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: 33.000 euro, will be donated to the Red Cross for relief efforts in the feline corona virus – Tekmonk Bio, 33.000 euro, will be donated to the Red Cross for relief efforts in the feline corona virus – Kungfutv, 33.000 euro, will be donated to the Red Cross for relief efforts in the feline corona virus – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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