
4 Jordan sneaker concepts that massively flopped in 2023

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The Beaverton, Oregon-based sportswear giant, Nike and its co-owned sub-label with Michael Jordan have ruled over the sneaker industry for decades now. The duo has impressed fans with iconic releases and innovative sneakers.

This dynamic pair kicked off their partnership in 1984 with the launch of AJ1. Ever since, the duo has worked together to consistently drop vibrant makeovers, which include collaborations, retros, and the GRs. However, it is natural for any brand to drop a ball here and there when it comes to creative processes.

We have compiled a list of Jordan sneaker concepts of 2023 that massively flopped, according to the sneakerheads and fans.

4 Jordan sneaker concepts that were heavily criticized by sneakerheads in 2023

1) Travis Scott x Jordan Cut The Check

Travis Scott has been one of the favorite collaborators for the Swoosh label and is just launching a brand new shoe model, Cut The Check, which is also his first-ever signature sneakers. While the artist has collaborated with Nike for various sneaker models, this will mark his very own signature model, which will feature a completely new and innovative design.

However, sneakerheads weren’t impressed by the sneaker and began criticizing it.

Fans criticize Travis Scott x Jordan Cut The Check sneakers (Image via Sportskeeda)

Fans compared the sneakers to multiple other shoes and criticized that the concept lacked originality. One fan also commented on how the shoe’s design wasn’t up to par and that the creators only added a backward swoosh, which is Travis Scott’s signature logo.

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2) A Ma Maniere x Air Jordan 5 SP “Black” sneakers

The streetwear label A Ma Maniere is collaborating with the Jordan label to launch two brand new colorways of the iconic AJ5 sneaker model in 2023. The new collaborative collection will feature an AJ5 SP “Photon Dust / Diffused Blue” color scheme and another with AJ5 SP “Black / Burgundy Crush” color scheme.

However, as early images were leaked of the AJ5 SP “Black / Burgundy Crush,” many sneakerheads started to tear into the sneakers.

4 Jordan sneaker concepts that massively flopped in 2023 1Fans criticize the AJ5 SP “Black / Burgundy Crush” sneakers (Image via Sportskeeda)

Fans were adamantly rejecting the upcoming AJ5 SP “Black / Burgundy Crush” sneakers and claimed that they lacked innovation and creativity. Another fan pointed out that the shoe was looking similar to the previously released Gore-Tex 5’s. The shoe is expected to release on November 22, 2023, for $225.

3) Union LA x Bephies Beauty Supply X Air Jordan 1

MJ-owned label is collaborating with Chris Gibbs-founded streetwear label Union LA and Beth Birkett-founded women’s streetwear label Bephies Beauty Supply to launch an apparel, accessories, and footwear collection. One of the main attractions of the collection is the AJ1 sneaker model.

4 Jordan sneaker concepts that massively flopped in 2023 2Fans dismiss the Union LA x Bephies Beauty Supply X AJ1 sneakers (Image via Sportskeeda)

However, fans reacted negatively to the upcoming Union LA x BBS X AJ1 shoes. The concept of the shoe was to celebrate the marriage and bond between Chris Gibbs and his wife, with multiple knots that tie them together, however, fans started trolling the sneaker rendition by comparing the shoe to baseball.

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The shoes’ concept was not appreciated by fans and ended up being trolled. The shoe is slated to release via Nike on August 26, 2023.

4) Corporate x Jordan Air Ship shoes

The Matt Tomamichel-owned label Corporate is collaborating with the Jordan label to launch a brand new makeover of the classic vintage model Air Ship. The shoes feature multiple details including white leather trim, Corporate branding, “Got Em” lettering, and a bright-hued swoosh logo.

Although the shoe has a deep historic significance for the brand, many sneakerheads didn’t like the new concept.

4 Jordan sneaker concepts that massively flopped in 2023 3Sneakerheads tear into the Corporate x Air Ship shoes (Image via Sportskeeda)

The latest sneaker colorway left fans disappointed and many sneakerheads compared the concept of the shoe to that of a baby. Another sneakerhead found the design boring and called it a nerd fest. The sneaker model is set to launch on September 8, 2023, and will be available for $150.

There is no denying the fact that Jordan sneakers have a huge fan base, however, some designs have received backlash from netizens. Multiple factors determine these concepts’ failures according to the netizens, including repeated designs, a bad color scheme, and a visually less attractive shoe.

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4 Jordan sneaker concepts that massively flopped in 2023 4

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Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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