Warning: Contains major spoilers for You season 4, part 1!Netflix’s You season 4, part 1 has done a lot to set up part 2 ahead of its release. For the first time, Netflix split up a season of You into two five-episode parts. You season 4, part 1 follows Joe in London under the guise of professor Jonathan Moore. Despite his attempts to keep his European vacation quiet, he ends up falling in with a group of rich elitists who keep winding up dead. This turns You on its head as Joe tasks himself with finding the killer.
In You season 4, episode 5, the Eat The Rich killer is revealed as Rhys Montrose. As someone who grew up poor, Rhys is out for revenge against his friends who are ignorant of the world. Unfortunately, Joe does not discover Rhys and is captured by him. Rhys reveals that he wants Joe to help him, but Joe doesn’t follow his orders. Luckily, Kate is able to rescue Joe before he is burnt to a crisp in the basement of the Hampsie house. You season 4, part 1 may not hint at a solution, but it does set up a course of action for You season 4, part 2.
5 Marienne Can Return In You Season 4 Part 2
In You season 4, part 1, it is revealed that Joe followed Marienne from Paris to London. Upon Marienne discovering him, Joe tells her he will change his ways. Episode 1 also reveals how Joe became Jonathan Moore. Elliot, a man who Quinn’s family hired to kill Joe, finds him, only to tell Joe that he wants out of the hitman business. He then provides Joe with the identity of Jonathan Moore on the condition that he kills Marienne to protect his identity. Instead of killing Marienne, he steals her necklace and sends Elliot a picture of it to look like he finished the job.
However, Joe’s kindness may backfire on him. Marienne could tell the authorities of Joe’s true identity and location. While Marienne may only be in part 1 to show that Joe is trying to change his ways, it is likely that Marienne will return. After all, You season 4, part 1 did not tie up Marienne’s story. Answers still need to be given as to where she went on the train, whether she was able to get her daughter back, and whether she will reveal Joe’s secret to protect herself and her daughter. Additionally, You season 4, part 2 trailer shows Love return, so it may be time for Joe’s reckoning.
4 Rhys’ Mayoral Campaign Will Be In Part 2
You season 4, part 1 concludes with Rhys announcing his mayoral campaign. In his announcement, he calls himself a “champion of the people.” Rhys also makes sure to mention the Eat The Rich killer as a symptom of the people’s frustration with the rich. Since Rhys originally planned to frame Joe, it is hard to say that this was Rhys’ idea all along. However, it is likely that Rhys saw the opportunity to use his alter identity to provide fuel for his campaign.
In addition to his campaign, Rhys mentions to Joe that he is working on a project. Whether this project is the campaign or not isn’t clear, but Rhys likely wants political power. However, Rhys may want this power for sinister purposes. In You season 4, episode 1, Rhys doesn’t seem particularly passionate about politics, so his decision to run is clearly motivated by something else. If Rhys becomes mayor, he not only gains resources but significant protection. This will make it harder for Joe to reveal his identity.
3 You Season 4 Part 2 Will Deal With Phoebe & Adam’s Relationship
In You season 4, episode 4, Adam tells his friends that he plans to propose to Phoebe. However, his proposal does seem to be more financially motivated as opposed to a romantic gesture. Ultimately, Phoebe decides to end her relationship with Adam after an awkward sexual encounter and realizing that Adam’s insecurities mean their partnership can’t work.
The danger in You season 4, episode 5 seemed to bring Phoebe and Adam together, but Phoebe may stick to her guns. Since Adam is in financial trouble, it is likely that he will try his hardest to get Phoebe back. If Phoebe finds out about his dire financial situation, she may be reluctant to get back together with him. You season 4, part 1 could have also focused on Phoebe and Adam because one of them will die in season 4, part 2.
2 Joe & Kate’s You Season 4 Relationship Needs To Be Resolved
At the end of You season 4, part 1, Joe rejects Kate to keep her safe. However, this is not the first time that Joe has rejected a woman for this reason. Joe may try to change his ways, but he has a hard time following through. Additionally, Kate lives across the street from him, so it is likely that he will run into her quite a bit. Joe may be focused on capturing Rhys, but Rhys made it pretty clear that Kate was one of his targets. After all, Kate is the richest in the group.
As You season 4, part 1 depicts, Joe cannot resist playing hero. Therefore, if Kate is in danger, Joe will try to save her. If Joe saves her, it may get hot and heavy between the two of them. Kate may be fascinated by Joe, but she doesn’t know who he really is. Even if You season 4, part 2 carves out time for the two as a couple, it likely won’t last long. Joe may be changing his ways slowly, but it won’t be enough to guarantee him a happy ending.
1 You Season 4 Part 1 Hinted At Joe’s Ending
In You season 4, episode 1, Joe is enjoying the perks of being a literature professor, which includes assigning books for his course. In You season 4, Joe’s books serve a larger purpose in the series because the stories reflect Joe’s struggles. For example, he assigns Ted Chiang’s “Hell Is the Absence of God,” which follows a man who is desperate to get to Heaven to see his wife again. This reflects how Joe is desperate to see Marienne, but he believes he must prove to Marienne he has changed.
In the Chiang discussion with his students, one of the students mentions that “Chiang isn’t actually saying the highest redemption is doing good. He’s saying it’s just love.” Joe doesn’t want to be redeemed to be a good person necessarily, but to prove his love to Marienne. However, the only way Joe can truly redeem himself is through a truly selfless act, similar to the main character’s arc in “Hell Is the Absence of God.” You season 5 hasn’t been confirmed, so it is possible that You season 4, part 2 could be the end for Joe.
You may paint Joe as someone who is trying to be better, but he cannot escape the horrible things he has done. It would be a fitting end to have Joe die doing a truly selfless act. Whether this act may be saving Kate or someone else, Joe would finally be doing something selfless and while it can’t forgive his sins, he may be able to redeem himself in the eyes of Marienne. Whether Joe pays for his sins or not, won’t be revealed until You season 4, part 2 releases on March 9th.
Links: 5 Massive Ways You Season 4 Sets Up Part 2 – Tekmonk Bio, 5 Massive Ways You Season 4 Sets Up Part 2 – Kungfutv, 5 Massive Ways You Season 4 Sets Up Part 2 – Blogtomoney
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