
A Brain Teaser That Will Test Your Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Can You Find the Values Of Beverages?

A Brain Teaser That Will Test Your Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Can You Find the Values Of Beverages? - networth, wiki, biography
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Brain teasers are a fun and challenging way to improve our thinking skills. They come in many different forms, such as solving an equation, finding a hidden object or cracking the solution. 

One popular brain teaser is taking the internet by storm in which you have to determine the value of each beverage presented in the image.

Try: A Seek-and-Find Puzzle for Sharp Eyes: Can You Spot the Twins?

Finding the value of objects in images is a great way to improve your observation and calculation skills. It also requires you to use your knowledge of the world to identify the solution. This can help you to think more critically and creatively.

Brain teasers are a great way to improve your mood as accomplishing something increases our dopamine levels and gives us motivation to work even harder. 

So, are you ready to take up this challenge and spot the values in this puzzle? 

Try: A Tricky Seek and Find Puzzle: Put Your Observational Skills to the Test By Finding the Hidden Robin

Brain Teaser: Find the Value of Beverages in 55 Seconds


The above image shows juice, hot coffee and tea in the image along with some solutions to their values. 

The brain teaser that involves figuring out the values of these mysterious drinks is a test of logic and creative thinking. By carefully examining the equations and using basic arithmetic operations, you can solve it.

This puzzle requires you to use logic and creative thinking to solve it. The equations in the brain teaser provide clues to the values of the drinks, but you need to use your brain to figure out how to interpret them.

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How many values did you find out till now? 

Brain teasers can be a fantastic way to break free from your monotonous routine and indulge in activities that sharpen your brain while entertaining you. 

These puzzles are known to test your general intelligence and your observation skills together. 

The time is running out. Hurry up! 

Fifty-five seconds might seem like a short amount of time, but it’s enough time to challenge your brain and improve your cognitive skills. 

When you’re under time pressure, you have to focus your attention and think more quickly. This can help you to become better at recognising patterns and making logical connections.

The time is up! 

So, how many values were you able to find in this brain teaser? 

If you found all the values then congratulations. Your logical skills have paid off really well. 

If you didn’t find any value, don’t give up, you can surely do it. Just scroll back up to the top and try to finish this puzzle. 

Here is the solution to the brainteaser. 

Find the value of  Beverages in 55 Seconds: Solution 

A Brain Teaser That Will Test Your Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Can You Find the Values Of Beverages? 1


The image shows 4 juices that are valued together at 28 

So, let’s take the value of the juice to be X 



X= 28/4 

X= 7 

So, the value of the juice is 7

Similarly, we can find the values of the other equations: 

Let’s take the value of the tea to be Y 

The image shows: Y+Y+X= 17

2Y+X= 17


2Y= 17-7 

2Y= 10 

Y= 10/2 

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Y= 5 

The value of the tea is 5

Let’s take the value of the coffee to be Z 

which means: Y+Z=9

5+Z= 9

Z= 9-5 

Z= 4 

The value of the coffee is 4 

Coming to the last equation, the solution for that is 

X+Y+Z-X = ? 

7+5+4-7 = 9

Hope you enjoyed this amazing brain teaser. Try your skills with other puzzles and you will surely emerge as a true puzzle master. 

Must Try: Brain Teaser: A Visual Challenge for the Sharpest Minds! Can You Spot 12 Mistakes Before the Timer Runs Out?

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Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: A Brain Teaser That Will Test Your Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Can You Find the Values Of Beverages? – Tekmonk Bio, A Brain Teaser That Will Test Your Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Can You Find the Values Of Beverages? – Kungfutv, A Brain Teaser That Will Test Your Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Can You Find the Values Of Beverages? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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