
Adidas Yeezy Foam runner “Taupe” colorway: Restock date, price, and more details explored

Adidas Yeezy Foam runner “Taupe” colorway: Restock date, price, and more details explored - networth, wiki, biography
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Another good news for Yeezy fans as the foam runner has been restocked on the Adidas shelves. With Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, making controversy led to brand disruption. But, Adidas decided to bring back the Yeezy foam runner to save itself from an ample amount of loss.

Since the news broke in May 2023, it appears that Adidas House’s decision to restock is a good one. Slightly looking like Crocs, this Yeezy foam runner has got immense positive responses since its introduction.

This lightweight and futuristic designed shoe hit the Adidas shelves in a taupe colorway with a price tag of $90 on August 17, 2023.

Adidas confirmed several restocks from the Yeezy shoe line after cutting off the tie with creator Ye

The most recent Yeezy foam runner release comes in yet another taupe colorway. At the Yeezy season 8 fashion show in Paris in September 2019, Ye debuted the shoe for the first time, and the clog quickly gained popularity for its style and comfort.

Also, North West, the daughter of Ye has been spotted in this lightweight and clog-like silhouette in 2019. Initially, people compared it with Crocs but after watching its futuristic design, the shoe enthusiasts’ demands resulted in a new launch from the Three Stripes brand in 2020. Inspired by Mount Ararat in Turkey, the German-based sportswear brand dropped its first Yeezy foam runner in the ” Ararat” colorway for $75 and it got sold out in no time.

Ye, formally known as Kanye West is known for his unique design and innovation. and the rituals of celebrity collaboration from this German-based athletes brand are also not surprising. In 2013, both brands joined hands again.

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In a press release in 2016, Adidas Group Executive Board Member, Eric Liedtke commented:

“Kanye is a true creator who has the ability to see things others don’t. We are excited and honored to build on this partnership, and eagerly look forward to defining the future together. With Adidas + Kanye West we are exploring new territories by opening up the sports world to Kanye’s creativity. This is what Adidas has always been about, empowering creators to create the new.”

However, the ending of this partnership was quite sudden. In 2022, the German-based brand decided to terminate the partnership when Ye commented on anti-Semitism, which does not seem favorable for the brand.

In 2023, Bjon Gulden, the CEO of the three stripe brand quoted in a statement:

“The numbers speak for themselves. We are currently not performing the way we should. 2023 will be a year of transition to set the base to again be a growing and profitable company.”

The fad around the Yeezy foam runner took hype due to its futuristic design and lightweight experience. Often compared to Crocs, this clog-silhouette stands out because of its laceless design.

When Crocs is marked as the not-so-cool one, this foam runner has established itself as the stylistic one without compromising comfort. The EVA-infused foam keeps the shoe cushioned and flexible. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate or EVA protects the feet during movement.

The ventilation system in the shoe keeps it breathable and its stone taupe hue creates the minimalistic fashion. The German athletic brand officially launched this pair on August 17, with a price tag of $90.

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Links: Adidas Yeezy Foam runner “Taupe” colorway: Restock date, price, and more details explored – Tekmonk Bio, Adidas Yeezy Foam runner “Taupe” colorway: Restock date, price, and more details explored – Kungfutv, Adidas Yeezy Foam runner “Taupe” colorway: Restock date, price, and more details explored – Blogtomoney

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