
Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef

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Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef

Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef – When the first round of the US Women’s Open, Aine Donegan, who had to use a replacement club when her driver broke in transit, is tied for second; Friday at 9 p.m. on Sky Sports Mix and – for nothing – on the Sky Sports Golf YouTube channel, you can watch the second round live.

Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef

Despite using a substitute driver in the US Women’s Open opening round, Irish amateur Aine Donegan placed second only a stroke behind the joint leaders.

After replacing her broken driver, Irish amateur Aine Donegan finished equal second at Pebble Beach.

After helping Europe win back the Vagliano Trophy in Scotland, Donegan, who is competing in her maiden LPGA Tour event, arrived in Pebble Beach. However, her clubs did not get to California until Tuesday, and when they did, her driver was broken.

Despite needing to find a replacement Ping driver, the 21-year-old finished the first round with a score of 69 and was one of six players tied for second position, two strokes behind China’s Xiyu Lin and South Korea’s Hyo Joo Kim.

Despite beginning the back nine with back-to-back bogeys, Donegan went on to make five birdies and a 96-yard eagle putt at the par-four 15th hole.

The clubs were late, and when the driver arrived, it was broken. “I feel like everything happens for a reason,” she added. “All of a sudden, I’m forced to install this Ping driver.

“I must admit, I’m glad I did. To be honest, the entire experience has been a little weird; practically every five minutes, it feels like a pinch-me moment.

“I’ve started playing bogey-bogey before. I’m pretty proud of myself for coming back then, finishing the round the way I did, and playing the rest of it.

World No. 9 Kim subsequently joined Lin, the top-ranked player without an LPGA Tour victory, after Lin shot a four-under 68 at Pebble Beach. Kim sank a 20-foot birdie at the 17th to tie Lin for the lead.

Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef 1Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef 2Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef

Lin shot a total of five birdies and just one bogey in her round, while Kim shot four birdies through her first eight holes before making a bogey at the next hole and rebounding to regain the lead.

Along with Donegan, Nasa Hataoka of Japan, Hae Ran Ryu of South Korea, Bailey Tardy, and Allisen Corpuz of the United States all shot 69, including fellow Irish golfer Leona Maguire who birdied two of her final four holes.

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Jodi Ewart Shadoff of England shot a one-under-par 71 in her first round, two strokes better than her countrymen Charley Hull and Gemma Dryburgh of Scotland. Bronte Law, Charlotte Thomas, and Alice Hewson, three more English players who also played, finished on 74, two shots behind Georgia Hall.

The 20-year-old phenom Rose Zhang, who earlier this season won on her professional debut, also started the round with a 74.

World No. 1 Jin Young Ko only scored one birdie in her first 79, shooting three strokes worse than No. 2 Nelly Korda, who sent her first drive over a cliff and onto the sand at the tenth hole.

Thailand’s Natthakritta Vongtaveelap, who had just completed five holes of the opening round, was disqualified for having her caddie use a rangefinder, even though this is permitted at other LPGA competitions.

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Links: Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef – Tekmonk Bio, Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef – Kungfutv, Aine Donegan Wikipedia, Age, Golf, ISU, Wagr, Instagram, Chef – Blogtomoney

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