
Anand Mahindra derives Monday motivation from this video of a chimpanzee and a human

Anand Mahindra derives Monday motivation from this video of a chimpanzee and a human - networth, wiki, biography
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A video of a chimpanzee seeking assistance from a man to drink water has gone crazy viral on social media. The ape then repays the man’s kindness by carefully washing his hands. This touching gesture has moved countless people, including Anand Mahindra, who shared it on social media along with a motivational message for people.

The image shows the sweet interaction between a chimpanzee and a man. (X/@anandmahindra)

Anand Mahindra shared the video on X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, “This clip went around the world last week. A chimpanzee in Cameroon, Africa apparently asked for a photographer’s help in drinking water; then repaid him by washing his hands gently. A useful applied lesson: If you want to succeed, then assist & support those in your community & workplace & you will, in turn, be supported by them.”

Watch this heartwarming video of a chimpanzee and a man right here:

The video was shared on August 21. It has since been viewed over 9.1 lakh times, and the numbers are still increasing. After watching this heartwarming video, people flocked to the comments section and expressed their thoughts.

Here’s how X users reacted to this video of a chimpanzee washing a man’s hands after being fed water:

“Wow. Even animals have compassion. You made my day sir!” expressed an individual.

Another commented, “Wow! That’s really amazing! A wonderful lesson to be learned from this.”

“Animals are so kind,” remarked a third.

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A fourth posted, “Kindness at its best! Wow.”

“These pretty small lessons are building blocks of our journey of life,” wrote a fifth.

What are your thoughts on this video?

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Categories: Trending

Links: Anand Mahindra derives Monday motivation from this video of a chimpanzee and a human – Tekmonk Bio, Anand Mahindra derives Monday motivation from this video of a chimpanzee and a human – Kungfutv, Anand Mahindra derives Monday motivation from this video of a chimpanzee and a human – Blogtomoney

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