
Anand Mahindra, Harsh Goenka congratulate ISRO on the success of Chandrayaan-3

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Anand Mahindra and Harsh Goenka have taken to X to congratulate the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the south pole of the Moon. (Also Read: Jasprit Bumrah, Yashaswi Jaiswal, Rinku Singh and more celebrate Chandrayaan-3’s landing)

Chandrayaan-3: Anand Mahindra and Harsh Goenka have shared their reactions on the Moon landing.

Anand Mahindra took to Twitter and said, “Dhanyavaad, Thank you, @isro for, teaching us how to aim for the stars. Making us believe in our own abilities. Showing us how to deal with failure and use it as a platform to rise again. And above all, making us Proud to be Indian.”

Harsh Goenka wrote, “Congratulations to all our magnificent scientists and engineers at #ISRO for finally having #IndiaOnTheMoon. It is proof of the engineering excellence of our frugal technology. I have no words to express my feelings, just tears of joy! #Chandrayaan3 #JaiHind”

These tweets were shared just a few minutes ago. Since being posted, thousands of people have liked the tweets and shared their reactions in the comments.

Check out what people are saying about these tweets here:

An individual wrote, “Proud moment for India.” A second added, “So proud of #ISRO! #IndiaOnTheMoon is a historic moment for our country. Congratulations to all the scientists and engineers who made this possible.” (Also Read: ‘Order status – Delivered. Destination – Moon’: Zepto, Zomato and more react to Chandrayaan-3’s successful Moon landing)

A third commented, “Proud moment. Makes me proud as well as emotional.” “Teaching us how to aim for the stars,” expressed a fourth. A fifth said, “Echo your feelings. Such an incredible achievement! Huge congratulations to the entire team at ISRO. Proud moment for every Indian as India makes history.”

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A sixth added, “We are all delighted. Kudos to all our scientists at ISRO. The nation is proud and humbled. Jai Hind.” A seventh posted, “India stands tall with pride on the shoulders of those who had the vision to start this journey decades ago.”

Categories: Trending

Links: Anand Mahindra, Harsh Goenka congratulate ISRO on the success of Chandrayaan-3 – Tekmonk Bio, Anand Mahindra, Harsh Goenka congratulate ISRO on the success of Chandrayaan-3 – Kungfutv, Anand Mahindra, Harsh Goenka congratulate ISRO on the success of Chandrayaan-3 – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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