
Antonio Armstrong Jr Brother: Josh Armstrong Now, Age, Job

Antonio Armstrong Jr Brother: Josh Armstrong Now, Age, Job - networth, wiki, biography
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Antonio Armstrong Sr and his wife Dawn Armstrong after their marriage shared two children and also adopted Josh Armstrong, a son from Dawn’s previous relationship. After his parents’ death, Josh was dragged as a murder suspect and many details were brought to light during Antonio Jr.’s murder trial.

On July 29, 2016, while they were sleeping in their bed, Antonio Jr. allegedly shot both of his parents. He then allegedly put a pillow over each of their heads before calling 911 to report hearing gunshots.

Antonio Jr. was found guilty of the killing of both of his parents in 2016 when he was just a teenager. For the shooting deaths of veteran NFL linebacker Antonio Armstrong Sr. and Dawn Armstrong in the family’s southwest Houston home, he was given a life sentence with the chance of release after 40 years, according to local station KHOU.

In the third trial the victims’ son has gone through in the seven years since their deaths, jurors deliberated for approximately 10-and-a-half hours before concluding that he killed them. Antonio Sr., who is now married and a father, has had two prior trials finished in hung juries. Since bonding out in 2017, he has been free on the condition that he wear an ankle monitor.

After listening to more than 40 hours of testimony from 31 witnesses over an 11-day period, the jury returned a guilty verdict.

Who is Josh? Where is he now? Does he have a girlfriend? What is his job? Read all that we know about him here.

Meet Josh Armstrong, Antonio Armstrong Jr Brother

Josh Armstrong is the older half-brother of Antonio Armstrong Jr. who was recently found guilty of shooting and killing their parents in sleep. Based on mental records that A.J.’s defense team wanted to be admitted into evidence, ABC 13 claimed in March 2020 that Josh might have witnessed their parents’ murders.

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The defense team attempted to show Joshua’s involvement in the murders of Antonio and Dawn Armstrong during the opening arguments of A.J.’s first trial last year, alleging the older brother had a history of unsettling conduct and access to his parent’s house at the time. They added that he arrived at the house shortly after the murders.

Joshua was described as having schizophrenia, suicidal, and depressive in handwritten writings that are included in the motion filing for the second trial. Under a form section for “History of trauma or loss,” Joshua’s psychiatric doctor checks the box for “Yes” and adds “saw parents murdered 2016.”

The court also learned about Josh when his sister Kayra took the stand.

“He was there, but he wasn’t there,” After graduating from college in May 2016, Josh returned to the family home for a few months before moving out a few weeks before the incident, according to testimony from Kayra. “He was distant. He acted like he was the black sheep of the family. He acted like our parents loved us more because we were biologically related to both of them.”

“(Josh) had escalated down the wrong path,” Kayra said. “He wasn’t always there.”

Kayra said Josh had been smoking pot and drinking more often, and his hygiene “had gone downhill.” Josh had a new apartment, but Kayra said he was still staying at the Armstrong house with A.J. on the third floor in the loft.

In her testimony, Kayra said that Josh had become violent. She explained that he increased his drug use in the months after the killings. She claimed he was hearing “demonic voices” and displayed several personalities.

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On the other hand, according to the prosecution, Josh slid while seeking answers and needed to be put into a mental health facility around six months after Dawn and Antonio were killed. He reportedly developed obsessions and paranoia before beginning to have “suicidal thoughts. [He] is hearing voices, gradually deteriorating, there’s a woman in his head he wants to hurt; depressed, withdrawn, no motivation, dropped out of college October 2017.”

Where Is Josh Armstrong Now?

Now in 2023, Josh Armstrong appears to be active and interactive on social media. His most recent Facebook post read, “Going to finish this book, glad to have finally found the words the start it though.”

Before that, he also posted a rough draft of essays he had written and appears to be working on a book. Based on that, he is likely bringing some positive outlook into his life and getting past the tragedy of losing his parents.

Josh Armstrong Age

Born before 1996, Josh Armstrong is at least 27 years old.

Josh Armstrong Job

Josh Armstrong went to The Kinkaid School followed by Millsaps College (business major) before he dropped out in 2017. At Millsaps, Josh was on the college’s football team. At Kinkaid, he played cornerback and wide receiver, started at guard on the basketball team, and was named All-South Zone at cornerback as a senior.

In a draft that Josh posted on Facebook, he wrote in one part, “Life is like a puzzle, your family is one piece, your work another, the pieces of your life all come together to build one picture. This collection of my thoughts, solutions, and wisdom is entitled “The Sand, Beach Theory”. My general question or thesis statement is, are we grains of sand as individuals, all similar but scattered in every direction, or are we all a part of a collective beach.”

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Is Josh Armstrong Dating Anyone?

Unfortunately, Josh Armstrong is keeping his current relationship status and his dating life away from the public eye. He hasn’t mentioned seeing someone as of this article in 2023 and doesn’t appear publicly and has very scarce social media presence.

Josh dated his girlfriend Hannah Pilon previously. His ex-girlfriend, Hannah testified that on the night of the murders, she was at Josh’s apartment, which is less than a mile away from the Armstrong home. Hannah said Josh stayed up playing video games with his cousin, and the next thing she remembers was being “frantically” woken up by Josh.

Hannah said that Josh ran out of their apartment with Trenton, and minutes later, Josh called her from his parents’ home yelling, “Someone shot my parents. They’re gone.” Pilon said she called 911. During her testimony, jurors played the short, frantic police call. The defense argued that because Pilon was asleep between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., she could not comment on whether Josh was still with her. This was a key element in the prosecution’s attempt to show that Josh was with Pilon when his parents were shot dead in their bed.

Hannah added that months after the murders, Josh “completely changed,” and that “there were no signs of mental illness or paranoia before the murders.”

Related FAQs

  • Where Does Josh Armstrong Live?

Josh Armstrong lives in Houston, Texas.

  • When Is Josh Armstrong Birthday?

Josh Armstrong’s birthday is not available at this moment.

  • Is Josh Armstrong On Instagram?

No, Josh Armstrong is not on Instagram. However, he has a Facebook.

Categories: Biography

Links: Antonio Armstrong Jr Brother: Josh Armstrong Now, Age, Job – Tekmonk Bio, Antonio Armstrong Jr Brother: Josh Armstrong Now, Age, Job – Kungfutv, Antonio Armstrong Jr Brother: Josh Armstrong Now, Age, Job – Blogtomoney

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