
AP ECET 2nd Phase Counselling 2023 Registrations Begins Today, Get Direct Link Here

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AP ECET 2nd Phase Counselling 2023

AP ECET 2023 Counselling: The Department of Technical Education (DTE) and APSCHE have commenced the registration process for the second phase of AP ECET counselling today: August 24, 2023, in online mode. Candidates who are interested in applying for the APECET 2nd phase counselling can submit their registrations through the official website  – 

To register, candidates need to submit the prescribed amount of the registration fee after uploading the necessary documents at the time of the form filling. They are advised to read all the details given in the information bulletin of the AP ECET final phase counselling 2023 carefully before filling out the registration form.

AP ECET 2023 Second Counselling Registrations – Direct Link (Click Here)

AP ECET 2023 Counselling Schedule 

Candidates can check the dates related to the second round of the AP ECET counselling 2023 in the table below:



AP ECET registration commence 

August 24, 2023

Last date to register for AP ECET

August 26, 2023

Verification of uploaded certificates

August 24 to 27, 2023

Web options available from

August 25 to 28, 2023

Change of web options

August 29, 2023

Allotment of seats 

August 31, 2023

Self-reporting and reporting at colleges by the candidates 

September 1 to 4, 2023

How to apply for AP ECET Second phase Counselling 2023?

Candidates can follow the below-given steps to know how to fill out the AP ECET registration form for the academic year 2023. 

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Step 1: Visit the official website –

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Step 2: Click on the direct link to register for AP ECET candidate’s registration

Step 3: A new login window will appear on the screen

Step 4: Enter the required details as asked

Step 5: Upload all the necessary documents in the given format

Step 6: Make the payment of the counselling registration fee

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Step 7: Save the application form and download it for future use

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Categories: Trends

Links: AP ECET 2nd Phase Counselling 2023 Registrations Begins Today, Get Direct Link Here – Tekmonk Bio, AP ECET 2nd Phase Counselling 2023 Registrations Begins Today, Get Direct Link Here – Kungfutv, AP ECET 2nd Phase Counselling 2023 Registrations Begins Today, Get Direct Link Here – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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