
Are Jessica Chobot And Husband Blair Herter Still Married?

Are Jessica Chobot And Husband Blair Herter Still Married? - networth, wiki, biography
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TV personality Jessica Chobot’s most recent marriage was with Blair Herter. But is she still married to Blair? Who is her first husband?

Find out more as this article proceeds.

Are Jessica Chobot And Her Husband, Blair Herter, Still Married?

Jessica Chobot and Blair Herter are still married to each other based on Jessica’s social media posts. The married couple recently celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary in February 2023. “Happy Anniversary, @blairherter! Thank you for the 11+ years of loving adventures & family ❤️❤️❤️!,” her celebratory IG post read.

They reportedly got engaged on August 21, 2011.

Most recently on Father’s Day, Jessica also wished her husband in another post. She wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to @blairherter! An outstanding example and inspiration for our little one! The best Clark W. Griswold family man that I know. ❤️ And a Happy Father’s Day to everyone else as well 🙂 Hope you are all having a wonderful day! • #HappyFathersDay.”

They had their son on March 6, 2013.

A Reddit page has been created for discussing Jessica’s personal life. One Redditor stated that Jessica was on Kevin Pereira’s “Pointless Podcast” back in Feb 2015 (she was 37) and talk about not loving her son and Blair. He continued sharing that she hated the past 2 years of her life.

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During that period, she allegedly attended therapy. More importantly, the Redditor also stated that she allegedly cheated on her husband Blair.

Who Is Jessica Chobot First Husband?

Jessica Chobot was previously married to her first husband Jamie C. Chobot. They reportedly got married in 2003 and divorced in 2006.

Born in 1970, Jamie is 52 years of age. Jamie is currently married to his wife Renee Chobot. The couple shares two children as of this article.

Born and raised in Metro Detroit, Jamie’s entrepreneurial spirit began at 10 years old as a paper boy for the Livonia Observer and Detroit News in the Coventry Gardens and Coventry Woods neighborhoods of Livonia. Delivering those papers using a 1950s Schwinn Corvette taught me the value of hard work, dependability, and business management that she still put into practice today.

Jamie earned his real estate license in 1995 and began his full-time real estate career at Real Estate One in Northville. He quickly transitioned to RE/MAX 100 in Novi where he worked with the most successful agents in Southeast Michigan. At 35 he was awarded the coveted Hall of Fame Award by RE/MAX and obtained his brokers’ license.

Jamie, according to his LinkedIn, is working for National Realty Centers. He graduated from West Shore Community College with Associate Degree, Business Administration, Management and Operations and also attended Ferris State University.

Blair Herter Age

Born on 23 June 1983, Blair Herter is 43 years old as of 2023.

Who Are Blair Herter Parents?

Blair Herter was born to his parents Thomas Eugene Herter Jr. and Kathryn Ann Herter. His dad a resident of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana is 67 years old. His mom Kathryn is 67 and was born in June 1956. She lives in Lafayette, Louisiana.

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Thomas Jr appears to be associated with GT OPERATING COMPANY LLC.

Blair has one brother named Tommy Herter who is married to his wife Lizzie and resides in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Blair’s paternal grandfather Thomas Sr. was 81 when he passed away in 2005. Thomas Sr. was born to the late Paul C. and Jessie Jane Sherman Herter. His grandmother Lucille Elaine (Schmid) Herter died on 31 May 2020.

Blair’s mom Kathryn was born to Cecile Ryder and Claiborne Ryder. Cecile was pre-deceased by her husband Claiborne. She herself passed away in September 2012.

Blair Herter Job

Blair Herter is an American television personality. Some of his notable TV appearances are Road Rules: The Quest, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Attack of the Show!, X-Play and American Ninja Warrior.

Blair worked for MTV and had appearances on G-Hole, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, and Road Rules seasons. He started working for the G4 Network in 2007 as a producer and recurring guest host for X-Play and Attack of the Show! (and its “The Feed” section). He and Alison Haislip co-hosted the first season of American Ninja Warrior.

With former G4 hosts Morgan Webb and Kevin Pereira, Blair co-anchored Microsoft’s nightly Xbox @ E3 Live streaming event coverage on Xbox Live during the 2013 Electronic Entertainment Expo. Herter joined the marketing firm Advncr in 2019 as chief brand officer and senior vice president of partnerships after joining the Midnight Oil Agency as executive director for business development.

Blair rejoined G4 in 2020 as Comcast Spectacor’s vice president of content partnerships and brand development, the division in charge of the relaunch. Herter departed G4 in 2022 and relocated to the Netherlands to work as an executive with Team Liquid.

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According to Blair’s LinkedIn, he is serving as Global Managing Director at Liquid Media since March 2022. He has also worked at Viacom, G4 Media, Karga Seven Pictures, Midnight Oil, IGN Entertainment, ADVNCR, Comcast, and The Pablove Foundation.

How Much Is Blair Herter Net Worth?

Blair Herter has a net worth of above $2 million. However, he hasn’t revealed his real net worth.

Blair Herter Height

Blair Herter’s height measures above 5 feet 9 inches.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Blair Herter From?

Blair Herter hailed from Louisiana, United States.

  • When Is Blair Herter Birthday?

Blair Herter’s birthday is on 23 June.

  • Is Blair Herter On Instagram?

Yes, Blair Herter is on Instagram (@blairherter).

Categories: Biography

Links: Are Jessica Chobot And Husband Blair Herter Still Married? – Tekmonk Bio, Are Jessica Chobot And Husband Blair Herter Still Married? – Kungfutv, Are Jessica Chobot And Husband Blair Herter Still Married? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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