
Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

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Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram – As the younger brother of American professional NBA player Tyler Herro, Austin Herro, a basketball player, gained notoriety. In addition, he became well-known and received media attention for his high school basketball accomplishments at Greenfield, Wisconsin’s Whitnall High School. His older brother Tyler started his basketball playing career here before entering the National Basketball Association.

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Bio

NameAustin Herro
Age19 years
Date Of BirthJanuary 1, 2004
ProfessionBasketball Player
BirthplaceUnited States
HometownUnited States

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Measurement

Height6 feet 3 inch
Weight83 kg
Eye Colourdark brown
Hair ColourBlonde

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Educational Qualifications

SchoolWhitnall High School
College or UniversityNot Known
Educational DegreeGraduated

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Family

FatherChris Herro
MotherJennifer Herro 
Brother / SisterTylerMyles
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Marital Status

Marital StatusUnmarried
Spouse NameNot Known
AffairsNot Known

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars25 Million
SalaryNot Known

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro Social Media Accounts

Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram

Austin Herro News

Austin Herro, a combo guard from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who will play for South Carolina basketball in the class of 2023, gave his pledge on Sunday. It should sound familiar if that last name does. Tyler Herro, a current Miami Heat NBA standout and former Kentucky Wildcat, is Austin Herro’s elder brother.

Austin Herro can still score the basketball despite not being quite as tall or athletic as his brother. Herro can make off-balance shots in traffic and is a proficient outside shooter. Herro, who is listed as 6’2″ or 6’3″ tall depending on where one gets his information, is still a little underweight at 180 pounds but has a chance to grow into a scoring danger for the Gamecocks.

Herro led his Whitnall High School team to the Wisconsin state championship game during his senior season, averaging over 15 points per game, 6 rebounds, and 5 assists. In high school, Herro predominantly played shooting guard, but he also possesses some ball handling and passing skills that could allow him to occasionally step in at point guard in the future.

Ford Cooper, a fellow combo guard who is now at Hampton after transferring earlier this offseason, will be replaced by Herro as a preferred walk-on for the South Carolina basketball programme.

Herro is not anticipated to be thrust into action early in his tenure as a Gamecock since the versatile sophomore Zachary Davis and the upperclassmen Ta’lon Cooper, Meechie Johnson, Jacobi Wright, and Ebrima Dibba are all expected to play either guard spot.

For the 2023–2024 season, Austin Herro becomes coach Lamont Paris’ eighth new Gamecock to join the group. Along with transfers BJ Mack (forward/center), Myles Stute (combo forward), Ta’lon Cooper (point guard), and Stephen Clark (forward/center), he joins freshman Collin Murray-Boyles (4-star power forward), Arden Conyers (3-star combo forward), and Morris Ugusuk (3-star combo guard).

Categories: Biography

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Links: Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram – Tekmonk Bio, Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram – Kungfutv, Austin Herro height, Age, Recruiting, Stats, Instagram – Blogtomoney

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