
BHU PG Admission 2023: Application Edit Window Opens to Correct CUET Scores

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BHU PG Admission 2023

BHU PG Admission 2023: The Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has notified that there is a mismatch in the NTA data and the details filled in by the candidates in their BHU PG application form 2023. The varsity has also released a list of candidates whose application form is incomplete. These candidates can make the necessary corrections in their application form by logging through the candidate’s portal at

As per the given information, candidates can edit their BHU PG application form till August 21, 2023 (till 11.59 pm). They are also advised that if the corrections is not made before the final deadline, the candidature will stand cancelled. Candidates can click on the direct link of the login portal given below.

BHU PG admissions 2023 login portal – Direct Link 

List of candidates with NTA Data Mismatch – Direct Link (Click Here)

Details mentioned on the list of candidates whose BHU PG application form is incomplete 

The examination authority has released the list the PG candidates whose application form is incomplete in online mode. Candidates are advised to complete the registration form through their login portal. The pdf has the below-given details mentioned on it.

  • Serial number
  • NTA application
  • First, Middle and Last name of the candidate
  • Gender
  • Father’s name
  • BHU Course
  • Course name
  • NTA score
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How to make corrections in BHU PG application form 2023 online?

Candidates can follow the steps that are mentioned below to know how to edit the BHU PG registration form 2023.

Step 1: Visit the official portal of BHU admission –

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Step 2: Now, click on the list of candidates with NTA data mismatch available on the homepage

Step 3: Search your name using the Ctrl+F command, if the name or application number appears

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Step 4: Login through the candidate’s portal 

Step 5: Click on the provide/edit NTA details button

Step 6: Fill out the correct NTA marks secured in CUET PG 2023

Step 7: Go through the details carefully before submitting the BHU PG application form

Also Read: MP NEET PG Counselling 2023 Round 2 Schedule Out, Check Dates Here

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Links: BHU PG Admission 2023: Application Edit Window Opens to Correct CUET Scores – Tekmonk Bio, BHU PG Admission 2023: Application Edit Window Opens to Correct CUET Scores – Kungfutv, BHU PG Admission 2023: Application Edit Window Opens to Correct CUET Scores – Blogtomoney

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