
Board Exams Twice A Year, Best Scores To Be Retained, Check Details Here

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Board exams to be conducted twice a year

Board Exams Twice a Year: According to the latest updates board exams will be conducted twice a year. According to the new curriculum framework guidelines introduced by the Minister of Education, two board exams will be conducted in a year. 

CBSE will be implementing the directive given by the government and detailed guidelines on the same will also be issued soon. The Central Board of Secondary Education will be conducting the exams twice a year and will not be term-wise. According to the guidelines introduced two separate exams will be conducted and students will be allowed to retain the best scores. The decision for the state board exams will however be taken by the respective state government as per reports. 

Boards To Assess Understanding of Students

The New Curriculum Framework (NCF) has been prepared as per the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Board exams will be conducted to assess the understanding of the students and the achievement of their competencies. The NCF also provides students the flexibility to choose the streams for classes 11 and 12. The education minister has also added that students are required to study two languages out of which one has to be an Indian language for classes 11 and 12. The textbooks for the 2024 academic year will be developed accordingly. 

Boards will be required to develop capacities to offer on-demand and test developers for boars and evaluators will be required to undergo thorough university-certified courses before beginning. 

Union Minister stated that under the guidance of Kasturirangan, the steering committee has prepared the curriculum for the NEP and submitted the same to the government which was then given to the NCERT. Two committees were formed by the NCERT which are the National Oversight Committee (NOC) and the National syllabus ad Textbook Committee (NSTC). It is expected that both these committees will prepare the syllabus according to the current requirements and will be based on original Indian thinking. 

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Links: Board Exams Twice A Year, Best Scores To Be Retained, Check Details Here – Tekmonk Bio, Board Exams Twice A Year, Best Scores To Be Retained, Check Details Here – Kungfutv, Board Exams Twice A Year, Best Scores To Be Retained, Check Details Here – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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