
Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

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Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding – Famous singer-songwriter Coco Lee was wed to Bruce Rockowitz. In 2011, they exchanged vows in secret. Famous businessman and entrepreneur Rockowitz found success in the fashion and retail sectors, especially in Asia. He was born in the US on August 8, 1959, and has a close relationship with Coco Lee.

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Bio

NameBruce Rockowitz
Age65 years old
Date Of Birth1958
ProfessionBusinessman and entrepreneur

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Measurement

Height1.79 m
Weight86 kg
Eye ColourHazel
Hair ColourGreyish

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Educational Qualifications

SchoolNot Known
College or UniversityUniversity of Vermont
Educational DegreeGraduated

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Family

FatherNot Known
MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenRachel Rockowitz and Sarah Rockowitz 

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Marital Status

Marital StatusMarried
Spouse NameCoco Lee

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars$1.5 billion
SalaryNot Known

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz Social Media Accounts

Bruce Rockowitz Wiki, Net Worth, Age, Daughter, Wife, Wedding

Bruce Rockowitz News

Days after losing the famous musician to suicide, CoCo Lee’s estranged husband and family are speaking out. Lee, who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 48, was remembered in a public obituary written by Bruce Rockowitz, Lee’s husband since 2011. Along with her older sisters Carol and Nancy, Lee’s stepdaughters Rachel and Sarah also signed the Canadian businessman’s message.

It began by stating that Lee had passed away “after a long battle with depression” and that she had been “surrounded by the entire family” when she passed away.

“CoCo was gorgeous on the inside and out, friendly, and inviting. The obituary, which was translated from Chinese, states that CoCo was a singer, composer, and performer in every sense of the words. She was also a kind mentor to the younger generation. She was a devoted wife, a kind friend, and a treasured member of the family. Her zeal, commitment, and true demeanour shone a light on everyone around her.

“Every life she touched will deeply miss her,” the memorial continued. Her effect will never fade. The specifics of her funeral will be revealed later. Several publications, including Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily News, claim that Lee and Rockowitz were estranged at the time of her death.

According to her sister Nancy, Lee had a challenging last year that included a number of health difficulties, including a surgery to treat breast cancer. In an Instagram post on Wednesday, Lee’s friend and partner Jae Chong appeared to confirm the diagnosis of cancer.

“I’m heartbroken beyond words to learn about CoCo… I recall sitting in my car crying endlessly when she told me about her condition a few months ago,” he stated. She was a true fighter despite dealing with a variety of ailments, including cancer that she was quietly fighting. Lee was admitted to the hospital on July 2 following a failed suicide attempt, and Carol and Nancy announced her passing in a social media post.

According to her sisters, CoCo had “been suffering from depression for a few years, but her condition deteriorated drastically over the last few months.” Even though CoCo tried her best to overcome sadness and sought professional assistance, the demon inside of her ultimately won, they claimed.

Categories: Biography

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