
Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

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Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

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Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born – Following an accident involving him and other pals on the North Coast on Saturday morning, rising dancehall artist Byron Messia is grateful for his safety.

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Due to his song “Talibans,” which is now at the top of the reggae charts on iTunes, Apple, and Billboard, Messia is one of the most popular singers to come out of Jamaica. The song has also dominated radio play for several weeks and holds out hope for a flourishing future career.

OnStage claims that the performer avoided major injuries when the BMW he was riding in flipped on a road in St. Mary. Additionally, the car rolled down a cliff, seriously hurting his friends. According to reports, two of his buddies are being treated in a hospital.

Thankfully, according to Messia, he did not get hurt, but he is still quite upset about what happened. The performer stated, “I have to thank the Most High for sparing my life and the lives of my friends this morning. I am hoping for a rapid recovery for my friends who got harmed in the accident.

“Greatness comes with obstacles,” he continued, “but I want my fans to know that I am in good spirits and that I will continue my musical journey.”

Videos of the accident-damaged automobile showing it totaled have been posted on social media. An image revealed the car had fallen over and been on its top before being towed out of the chasm.

While firefighters cared for the injured, Byron Messia, who was dressed in black pants, was also spotted lying on the ground. Messia is currently in Jamaica to record and produce music. He was born in Jamaica but was reared in St. Kitts.

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born 1Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

The musician first gained notoriety for his song “Talibans” and is now steadily expanding his fan base thanks to Drake’s recognition of his skill and offers from artists like 21 Savage and Burna Boy to appear on a remix of the song. Currently, the song is the most popular dancehall single on Spotify.

Despite his injuries, Messia has stated that he would still perform at Taboo Mobay on Saturday, June 10. He mentioned that his Friday concert at Taboo Kingston went well, with a packed house of fans there to cheer him on.

Byron Messia Bio

NameDylan Byran
NicknameByron Messia
Age23 years old
Date Of Birth10 April 2000
ProfessionMusical Artist

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Byron Messia Measurement

Height5 feet 8 inch
Weight89 kg
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Byron Messia Educational Qualifications

SchoolLocal High School
College or UniversityLocal University
Educational DegreeGraduated

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Byron Messia Family

FatherNot Known
MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Byron Messia Marital Status

Marital StatusUnmarried
Spouse NameNot Known

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Byron Messia Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars1 Million
SalaryNot Known

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Byron Messia Social Media Accounts

Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born

Categories: Biography

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Links: Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born – Tekmonk Bio, Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born – Kungfutv, Byron Messia Biography, Age, Talibans Lyrics, Born – Blogtomoney

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