
Can you spot the hiker in this picture of a mountain?

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A picture of a hiker on a mountain has people scratching their heads. Why? It is extremely difficult to spot a mountaineer in an otherwise unremarkable picture. Do you think you are skilled enough to find a person within five seconds?

Optical illusion: Where is the hiker in this picture? (Reddit/@wafflecrispislife)

“This hiker on a mountainside,” reads the caption posted alongside the optical illusion shared on Reddit. The picture shows a gray bare mountain. At first it seems like there is nothing else. However, if you look carefully and patiently, then you can see that there really is a person on the mountain.

How fast can you spot a hiker? Your time starts now…

The post was shared about a month ago. Since it was posted, it has garnered close to 250 upvotes and counting. The stock also received several comments.

Here’s what Reddit users have to say about this optical illusion:

“Still can’t find them and I’ve been staring at this for 15 minutes,” posted a Reddit user. “Just found them, they fit well,” added another. “This is a great example of why hikers are encouraged to wear lighter colors when hiking. It makes them more visible in an emergency,” joined a third. “It took a while,” wrote a fourth.

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Links: Can you spot the hiker in this picture of a mountain? – Tekmonk Bio, Can you spot the hiker in this picture of a mountain? – Kungfutv, Can you spot the hiker in this picture of a mountain? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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