
Cannibalism among polar bears is increasing due to melting of the north Pole

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the polar Bears are killing and eating each other all the more because of where they live is severely reduced due to melting ice caps, and human activity, it tu

the polar Bears are killing and eating each other all the more because of where they live is severely reduced due to melting ice caps, and human activity, it turns out, according to the AFP, from Russian survey.

“Cannibalism among polar bears have existed, but such cases are very rare. Now we are seeing this more and more often to happen,” says the researcher, Ilya Mordvintsev, of the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution.

According to him, the polar bears had to contend with a shortage of food. In some cases, large males, for example, the female species, and their kids like it.

did the hunting site of the polar bear in the winter if it is frozen. Due to climate change, deep-freezing, all parts of the barents sea and the Arctic Ocean in winter does not close. For the bears it is, therefore, more difficult to find food. It is also in the barents sea this winter-a very busy route for ships, which, inter alia, the natural gas can be transported.

Russian scientists are seeing, moreover, that this winter is abnormally warm, it is on the island of Spitsbergen (now svalbard). “There was no ice, and there was very little snow, they say. The researchers to register more and more polar bears, which are their traditional hunting grounds to leave, as a result of the melting of the ice.

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more and more encounters between humans and polar bears,

In the past 25 years, the ice in the arctic by 40 per cent. The Russians are predicting that the polar bears are about for a while on the ice will be hunting, and habitat will be limited to kustgedeelten, and high-altitude areas.

with The increased kannibalismewaarnemingen are also likely to be due to the fact that more and more people in the region to work, and any such behavior, report says Mordvintsev. “Right now we have information not only for scientists, but also by the growing number of workers in the oil and gas industry and defence personnel.”

Also, hungry polar bears are becoming more common in the vicinity of other people. As to plunder, the dogs settled vuilnisstortplaatsen the way they have the houses of the Russians in the Arctic region to live in.

Date Of Update: 27 February 2020, 10:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Cannibalism among polar bears is increasing due to melting of the north Pole – Tekmonk Bio, Cannibalism among polar bears is increasing due to melting of the north Pole – Kungfutv, Cannibalism among polar bears is increasing due to melting of the north Pole – Blogtomoney

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