
Cat turns into trainer for its human. Watch

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A cute video showing a small cat won the hearts of many on social media. It shows the kitty turning into a ‘personal trainer’ to help her human exercise.

Footage of a cat helping its human to exercise.

The clip was shared on X (formerly known as Twitter) under the name Buitengebiden. This site often posts cute videos and pictures of animals. They recently shared a video of the ‘Pawsonal trainer’. It opens to show a man doing sit-ups, and right behind the man a kitty can be seen ‘supporting’ him. (Also Read: Meet Altair, The Cat With The Longest Tail In The World)

Watch this video of a cat helping a human here:

This post was shared just a few hours ago. Since it was published, it has been viewed more than 12 million times. Many also liked and commented on the video.

Here’s what people are saying about this cute cat video:

The individual wrote: “This little kitten is all about those abs gains. Kitten trainer in the house! Cute I say!”

Another added: “Sweet little gold nugget!” “Aww, what a cute little helper,” said a third. A fourth commented, “It’s a good training partner.” The fifth said, “That’s one strong kitten.”

Categories: Trending

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Links: Cat turns into trainer for its human. Watch – Tekmonk Bio, Cat turns into trainer for its human. Watch – Kungfutv, Cat turns into trainer for its human. Watch – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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