
Celebrating Excellence: National Commerce Olympiad 2023 (SRCC) Concludes on a High Note, Winners Announced

Celebrating Excellence: National Commerce Olympiad 2023 (SRCC) Concludes on a High Note, Winners Announced - networth, wiki, biography
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National Commerce Olympiad 2023

National Commerce Olympiad 2023: The Commerce Society at Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) conducted the National Commerce Olympiad (NCO) 2023 which highlighted the amazing talents of students from all over the country. More than just a competition, NCO had a goal of refining the abilities that will shape future business leaders. It focused on business concepts, logical reasoning, analyzing case studies, solving problems, and understanding data. This mix of innovation, strategy, intelligence, and creativity aimed to nurture well-rounded skills.

National Commerce Olympiad 2023 played a vital role in fostering talents and moulding young minds into forward-thinking strategists ready for the challenges of tomorrow. This year, NCO was held on July 30, 2023, and the event was open to three groups: Grade XI, Grade XII, and XII passouts. 

Winners at National Commerce Olympiad 2023

SRCC, the Commerce Society extended their heartfelt congratulations to the exceptional winners whose unwavering dedication and brilliance have truly set them apart. Their success serves as an inspiration to fellow participants and students everywhere. Check out the names of winners at the National Commerce Olympiad 2023: 

NCO 2023 Winners: Grade XI category

  • Rudransh Agarwal (Sri Sri Academy, Kolkata)
  • Hardik Baweja (Bal Bharati Public School, Pitampura)
  • Pranav Singla (Heritage Xperiential Learning School, Gurgaon)

NCO 2023 Winners: Grade XII winners

  • Yash Singhania (St. Michael’s High School, Patna)
  • Daksh Hirawat (Sri Sri Academy, Kolkata)
  • Krishna Malviya (Daly College, Indore)
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NCO 2023 Winners: XII Passouts

  • Mudit Sharma, Daiwik Shah (Don Bosco Park Circus)
  • Mani Gupta (Modern Vidya Niketan, Faridabad)

The event recognized the endeavours of every participant by awarding cash prizes amounting to Rs. 70,000, along with Certificates of Achievement for the winners, Certificates of Merit for each finalist, and Certificates of Participation for all participants. This underscores the significance of each individual’s contribution.

Thrilled to announce the triumphant champions of the National Commerce Olympiad by the Commerce Society, SRCC!You can check out the result at

— The Commerce Society, SRCC (@ComSocSRCC)
August 15, 2023

National Commerce Olympiad, a Comprehensive Platform for all-round growth

The Olympiad surpasses mere competition; it represents a transformative learning journey. Through participation, students entered a realm that tested their viewpoints, enhanced their business skills, and sparked their entrepreneurial enthusiasm. This experience motivated them to develop a mindset that thrives in the ever-changing corporate world. By refining business skills, fostering creativity, and enhancing problem-solving abilities, NCO 2023 offered a comprehensive platform for all-around growth.

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Links: Celebrating Excellence: National Commerce Olympiad 2023 (SRCC) Concludes on a High Note, Winners Announced – Tekmonk Bio, Celebrating Excellence: National Commerce Olympiad 2023 (SRCC) Concludes on a High Note, Winners Announced – Kungfutv, Celebrating Excellence: National Commerce Olympiad 2023 (SRCC) Concludes on a High Note, Winners Announced – Blogtomoney

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