
China sends Uyghurs to prison camps for the media and the internet'

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China sends Uyghurs to prison camps, for, among other things, wearing beards, you must click on links to external sites, or because they

China sends Uyghurs to prison camps, among other things, for wearing beards, you have to click on links that lead to external sites, or because they were in contact with people in other countries. That seems to be from leaked government documents that are in the hands of the COURT.

The 137-page document could have come from the same source, that is, last year, it revealed that hundreds of thousands of mostly Uyghur Muslims and Hersenspoelt are in a heavily guarded camp in China.

the document provides information on more than 3,000 people in the western region of Xinjiang. This is their everyday life and people are suspicious. Of the 311 individuals, their personal background, as well as their religious practices and personal relationships with friends, neighbors and family members.

if you are also a person, punishment is often shown and, for example, or released persons to return to the country.

A person who is ‘not a threat’ I will go to camp,

The reasons for punishment can be very different. This was also the case with one person who “re-educated himself” because he clicked on a web link and accidentally came up on a foreign web.

the other man would be in “no practical danger,” but because he had a passport and applied, and was thus able to go abroad and wanted to travel, was reason to close the camp.

Because of wearing a thick two-colored beard and organizing religious groups, the man spent five years in a concentration camp.

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Video: Who are the Uighurs and why is it suppressed for them in China? Date of update: February 18, 2020, 03:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: China sends Uyghurs to prison camps for the media and the internet' – Tekmonk Bio, China sends Uyghurs to prison camps for the media and the internet' – Kungfutv, China sends Uyghurs to prison camps for the media and the internet' – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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