
Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga

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NEW Wolves boss Walter Zenga wants to follow in Claudio Ranieri’s footsteps.

The ex-Italy keeper was a shock appointment on Saturday morning — just ten hours after Kenny Jackett was sacked.


Walter Zenga is delighted to be in England after taking over at WolvesCredit: ReutersClaudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 1Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 2


The Italian has less than a week to prepare for Wolves’ first game of the seasonCredit: Getty Images

Now Zenga, 56, has just five days to prepare his side before Saturday’s Championship opener at Rotherham.

Zenga — a pal of super-agent Jorge Mendes — is preparing to welcome a string of new signings to the club with the backing of new owners Fosun.

And he plans to pick the brains of Premier League title- winning boss Ranieri — who he managed against in Italy.

Like Ranieri, Zenga does not have much time before the season starts — but would love to emulate his compatriot’s fairytale success last season.

Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 3Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 4


Zenga admits he is going to call Claudio Ranieri for some adviceCredit: ReutersClaudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 5Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 6


Ranieri will be eyeing more silverware after winning the title last seasonCredit: Getty Images

Zenga said: “Last year, many times, I spoke with Claudio.

“I haven’t spoken to Claudio since taking the job. But when he comes back from abroad we will talk. It’s normal to get some advice. You share your experience and your ideas — even if you’re not arriving in another country.

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“Everyone is saying I only have a week before the start of the season, but Ranieri had the same before his season with Leicester. I have also spoken to Walter Mazzarri at Watford and with Francesco Guidolin at Swansea.

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“Things don’t happen in life for nothing. For example, from February I saw all the games from the Championship. Where I lived there was a channel broadcasting the live games and a review of the games. I don’t know why but it happened. And now I’m here. It’s something you can’t explain.”

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Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 7Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 8


Super-agent Jorge Mendes secured Zenga the post at WolvesCredit: Getty ImagesClaudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 9Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 10


Mendes also oversaw Jose Mourinho’s appointment at Manchester UnitedCredit: Reuters

Zenga admitted he has a close link with Mendes, who is also agent to Jose Mourinho and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Wolves owners have been using Mendes as a middle man to bring in players and Jackett’s replacement.

Mendes had lined up Julen Lopetegui to take over at Molineux but he bagged the Spain job instead.

Zenga said: “I talk with him. Jorge Mendes is part of my life, of course. Everybody is happy if they can work with the best people.

“I want to work with those people because they are winners. There is something inside them which is positive.”

Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 11Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 12


Wolves had been targeting Julen Lopetegui before he was named Spain bossCredit: ReutersClaudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 13Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 14


Zenga is confident he can hit the ground running in his new surroundingsCredit: Reuters

Zenga has managed 16 clubs in 18 years — but insists Wolves are not taking a gamble with him.

The former Inter Milan keeper has signed a one-year deal with a 12-month option and the owners have told him the aim is promotion back to the Premier League.

He said: “I don’t think I’m a risk being here. Why would that be? If I can’t handle the pressure I shouldn’t be in this job.

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“If you ask me now what I will promise, I promise we will win the season. But it doesn’t work like this. You cannot sell words like candy. We need to work. Everybody wants to win and go into the Prem — but only three teams can go up.”

Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 15Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 16Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 17Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga 18

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga – Tekmonk Bio, Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga – Kungfutv, Claudio Ranieri’s Leicester title win the dream fairytale for inspired new Wolves boss and ex-Italy keeper Walter Zenga – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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