
Cory Wurtenberger Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Parents, Big Brother

Cory Wurtenberger Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Parents, Big Brother - networth, wiki, biography
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The newest 25th season of Big Brother premiered on 2 August 2023 and introduced to viewers its 16 housemates. Cory Wurtenberger, whom we are about to discuss, is one of the contestants. He is one of two ‘Survivor’ relatives competing in this season of Big Brother. Also, he is the youngest contestant on the show this time.

Keep reading and find out more about his Big Brother journey and also about his life outside of this show.

Cory Wurtenberger On Big Brother 25

Cory despite being the youngest has some training when it comes to being strategic. He said this and a lot more in his pregame interview. In an expose from ET Canada, Cory describes himself as a “social butterfly.” Cory then described his “straightforward” strategy. He said he is going to play the game by lowering his threat level as much as he can. He said he will try to win the first HOH and if that does not happen, he will be entering full “I’m a child. Help. Lead me. What do I do? Where do I go? I don’t know how to do laundry. Do you know how to fold a shirt?” So, what did actually happen once he was on Big Brother 25?

On the Season 25 premiere, Cory was introduced along with three other competitors to play the “Hold On Fright” game. They were made to hold on tight while grotesque monster hands tried to drag them into the “Nether Region”. The person dragged in first was put up for potential eviction, and was also made to disappear from the rest of the house. The host of the show was also seen teasing that the loser would be gone for the rest of the episode.

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Cory was immediately dragged behind a dark curtain and was actually gone for the rest of the episode, presumably banished to the Nether Region. Yet, shortly after the episode aired, Cory posted a story on social media stating that he “escaped the Nether Region”.

Cory Wurtenberger Age

Cory Wurtenberger was reportedly born in 2001. Should this be true, he should have turned 21 in 2022.

Who Are Cory Wurtenberger Parents?

Cory Wurtenberger’s father is Michael Evan Wurtenberger of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He can be found on IG @wurtenbergermichael and he turned 51 years old in April 2023. Lately, Michael also is the owner/mortgage broker at Northstar Finance. Between 1990 and 1994, the patriarch attended the University of Maryland.

Cory’s dad and mom Stephanie Jill Wurtenberger (on IG @sjillsork) celebrated their 13th anniversary on 30 December 2009. Fast forward to today, they are still married and in April 2023, Stephanie turned 52 years old.

In his family, Cory also has an older brother and a much younger sister.

The older brother Zachary “Zach” Wurtenberger previously competed on Survivor Season 42, where he was the first to be eliminated. Cory had his brother’s full support before going on Big Brother. “When a Wurtenberger turns 21, he embarks on his journey to the CBS studio lot,” Zach had gushed on social media. He said he is “SO beyond proud” of him and more. Zach, so you know, graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2022. And since May 2023, he started working as a full-time agent trainee at United Talent Agency.

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Speaking of Cory’s sister, the age difference between him and her is 12 years. Back in December 2020, when Cory showed her to his people on the internet he also mentioned his younger sister being really good at A.R. in school. By the way, her name is Molly.

Cory Wurtenberger Girlfriend

Cory Wurtenberger is most likely single. Or it is believed so looking at his social media. At the time of this writing, he gave away no hints about having a girlfriend in his life.

Cory Wurtenberger Job

At just 21 years old, Cory Wurtenberger is the youngest contestant competing in season 25.

Cory is currently a third-year student at Vanderbilt University. He is a double major in political science and communication studies, according to his LinkedIn. He’s also a senior editor for the Vanderbilt Political Review and president of the university’s forensics team.

Cory works as a private coach. he works for 3P Speech, a company offering private coaching for middle/high school speech and debate. For 5 years, Cory has worked as a private coach for high school speech. “Coaching through 3P allows me to, in a way, give back to the community that I owe so much to. Oratory and Info are special events and I would love nothing more than to help people find their voices within them,” Cory wrote in his 3P Speech bio.

Cory Wurtenberger Height

Cory Wurtenberger stands below 5’10” in height.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Cory Wurtenberger From?

Cory Wurtenberger hails from Florida. He was brought up in Weston, Florida. As of 2023 though, while attending Vanderbilt, he was based in Nashville.

  • When Is Cory Wurtenberger Birthday?

Cory Wurtenberger’s birthday is on September 30th and that makes him a Libra.

  • Is Cory Wurtenberger On Instagram And Facebook?

Yes. Cory Wurtenberger can be found on Instagram and Facebook. As of 5 August 2023, his IG @corywurtenberger included 5 posts and 1,706 followers.

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Cory has also shown rare glimpses of his life on ‘Cory Wurtenberger’ Facebook.

Categories: Biography

Links: Cory Wurtenberger Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Parents, Big Brother – Tekmonk Bio, Cory Wurtenberger Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Parents, Big Brother – Kungfutv, Cory Wurtenberger Bio, Age, Girlfriend, Parents, Big Brother – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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