
Court of appeal of The Hague: Russia must still have billions to pay in Yukos case

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Russia still has billions of dollars in compensation in a case of the Russian oil and gas company Yukos, which as of 2014 is the first decision that is made. Af

Russia still has billions of dollars in compensation in a case of the Russian oil and gas company Yukos, which as of 2014 is the first decision that is made. After the failure of the group, said shareholders that the company’s compensation from the Russian state.

The thing was, at the time, held in The Hague, the netherlands. It was the decision, later, by the Russian federation appealed to the court of justice in The Hague and filed an appeal on the ruling in the hague.

Yukos was, in the nineteen-nineties, a major oil and gasconcern. The CEO of one of the directors was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a political opponent of vladimir Putin.

“In the period from 2003 to 2006, the Russian Federation and a number of wide-ranging tax at Yukos, imposed in connection with a major production company of Yukos was auctioned off. Ultimately, Yukos, in 2006, declared insolvent,” says the court of appeal of The Hague in a note.

This sort of thing should be in The Hague the Three major shareholders of the company as an arbitration case brought against it by the Russian government. “That sort of thing, should the Arbitral tribunal in The Hague is,” said a spokesman. It consists of approximately ten years. Finally, Russia was ordered to pay a total of some 50 billion u.s. dollars (about 46 billion us dollars) in the company.

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“The Tribunal was of the opinion that the Russian Federation is not actually to do loads of Yukos to recover, but to Khodorkovsky as a potential rival to president vladimir Putin to turn off, and is the property of Yukos’ hands,” says the court of appeal in its reasons. Russia, with success, against the ruling on appeal, but that verdict has been set aside.

Russia is able to appeal to the supreme court.

Date Of Update: 18 February 2020, 12:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Court of appeal of The Hague: Russia must still have billions to pay in Yukos case – Tekmonk Bio, Court of appeal of The Hague: Russia must still have billions to pay in Yukos case – Kungfutv, Court of appeal of The Hague: Russia must still have billions to pay in Yukos case – Blogtomoney

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