
Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before

Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before - networth, wiki, biography
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A DAD who was allegedly killed when burglars broke into his home and tried to steal his beloved £1,000 dog was robbed months ago.

Officers found Donald ‘Prentice’ Patience, 45, dead at 10.30am on Tuesday after being called to Ainsworth Road in Radcliffe to reports that a white labradoodle had been stolen.


Donald ‘Prentice’ Patience, 45, was found dead at his homeCredit: Greater Manchester PoliceDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 1


Prentice recently posted pictures of the Labradoodle on social mediaDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 2


Details of the previous burglary were revealed in a message he sent to his neighbors Credit: Unknown, clear with image tableDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 3


He was found dead at home in Radcliffe, North ManchesterCredit: Zenpix

Donald’s family described him as a “much loved son, brother and father who will be greatly missed by many, affectionately known as Prentice”.

A coroner’s office ruled his death suspicious and three men were arrested this week on suspicion of murder.

After questioning, two men aged 27 and 41 were released on bail pending further investigation, while the 39-year-old is still in police custody.

It has now been revealed that Donald’s terraced house was burgled by thieves last December.

The police confirmed that they stole several televisions, a child’s bicycle and the brother’s car.

Details of the break-in were revealed in a message Donald sent to his neighbors in January.

It read: “I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year. I recently returned to my house to find all my belongings stolen.

“It included several televisions, my child’s pit, a bicycle, a play chair, a hover and my brother’s car, a gray Mercedes C220 among other things.

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“The car was used to take things away. It happened sometime in early November and the house was locked from the inside so I doubt he was a guest.

“I heard that a girl and two men were seen removing items, but they could have been misinformed.

“It would probably look like I’m moving out and I wonder if anyone saw anything?”

‘Detectives are continuing their investigation into the death of Donald Patience, which includes previous reports to the police,’ a police spokesman told MailOnline.

Labradoodle puppies have been known to sell for between £700 and £1,500.

Pictures from the scene show that the kitchen windows of one house were broken.

Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 4


His family paid tribute to the ‘miracle father’Credit: FacebookDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 5


Broken window at scene Credit: ZenpixDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 6


Forensics at the scene of the murderCredit: ZenpixDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 7


Prentice with his ex-wife Kirsty Credits: Facebook

His ex-wife Kirsty paid tribute to her dad today, saying: “It breaks my heart to have to write this.

“As many of you may have already seen, we lost an extremely amazing man this week.

“Despite everything that happened between us, Prentice was an amazing father and adored his children.

“We are all truly devastated by this news and are all struggling to come to terms with his death.”

The dog was taken away during the incident – but is now being looked after by the authority.

Officers are now appealing to the public who may have seen or heard anything unusual in and around the area earlier this week.

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Detective Chief Inspector Rachel Smith, from GMP’s Major Incident Team, said: “Firstly, as a force, we would like to send our condolences to Donald’s loved ones at this extremely difficult time, we are doing everything we can to get the answers they deserve and find out what happened.

“Since we were made aware of this incident earlier this week, our investigation has been swift and thorough, with three people arrested following our inquiries and one being at the scene at the time of the suspected burglary.

“I would like to reassure the local public, as far as I understand, there will be an alarm when this is known, but we are convinced that it is a targeted attack.

“We would now like to appeal to the local community for any eyewitness accounts or footage of any activity that we may be able to link to this investigation.

“We are also looking for people who may know Donald, have seen him walking his beloved white labradoodle in the local area or have any knowledge of any activity at or near his address, which is End Terrace on Ainsworth Road, since Friday August 18 in 2023

“It is vital that we have as many details as possible to help piece together what happened in this tragic incident where someone has sadly lost their life.

“We are keeping all available lines of inquiry open, but no matter how small, your piece of information could be the key piece of evidence we need to help us with this investigation.”

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Prentice’s eldest son has been hailed as a miracle after defying the odds when he battled heart failure from a rare condition when he was just days old.

The plucky young man had three heart surgeries by the time he was four, his parents told a local newspaper in 2014.

At 13 days old, the boy had his first heart operation at the children’s hospital in Birmingham.

If anyone has any information or specific details regarding the incident or Donald, they are asked to contact GMP’s Major Incident Team directly on 0161 856 3635 or 101 quoting incident number 1139 of 22/08/2023 or via an independent charity – Crimestoppers – at 08:00 555 111.

Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 8


Dog lover Prentice posted several pictures of Labradoodles on FacebookDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 9


Flowers were left at the venueCredit: ZenpixDad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before 10


A Man City fan’s home was broken intoCredit: Facebook

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before – Tekmonk Bio, Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before – Kungfutv, Dad, 45, who was ‘murdered when thieves tried to steal labradoodle worth £1k at Bury home’ had been robbed months before – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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