
Daniel Corpuz Bio, Age, Family, Dating, School Of Chocolate

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A new baking competition series School of Chocolate dropped on Netflix on 26 November 2021. Eight contestants came forward in competition to win the $100K cash prize; and for the opportunity of learning from the best in the game, chocolatier/pastry genius Amaury Guichon.

Now that you know we are talking about the show, that may seem like every other compete-to-win pastry show but in fact, it is so much more, we meet one of its contestants Daniel Corpuz in this ‘Daniel Corpuz Bio’.

Daniel Corpuz On School Of Chocolate

Daniel Joseph Corpuz comes to School of Chocolate inspired by his Filipino-American heritage when it comes to making chocolates. And he seemed super excited that now the world will get to see all of that too, through School Of Chocolate.

Still, School Of Chocolate Daniel also admitted that the reality show did not come without any challenges. Of all, Daniel shared, the most challenging part of being on this show was to be able to develop products on the fly. “It made me have to think outside the box, but also humbled me to realize that sometimes less is more, and served as a reminder that there can be a need to go back to basics”, Daniel talked to Delish.

The show introduced Daniel as the owner of Daniel Corpuz Chocolatier shop. That, he is a New York City-based pastry chef, chocolatier, and sugar artist.

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Daniel graduated from the Culinary Institute of America to kickstart his career. In 2019, he got his Associate’s Degree in Baking and Pastry and his Bachelor’s Degree in Food Business Administration.

Following this, he worked in several restaurants in New York City, including The Modern at MoMA and Manhattan. In between, he has also competed in a couple of cake shows which would be That Takes The Cake Show, New York Cake Show, and National Capital Area Cake Show.

And this way, Daniel, so early in life, has won over a dozen first-place awards in the likes of the above-mentioned competition shows, among other equally incredible feats.

He has also furthered his involvement in the industry becoming a member of the International Cake Exploration Societé (ICES), earning the organization’s ICES Approved Teacher accreditation, and ICES Certified Sugar Artist Judge certification. As a result of which, he gets to teach chocolate showpieces and sugar artistry classes at numerous cake supply stores and cake show across the country.

Daniel Corpuz Age

It is on the 15th of November that Daniel Corpuz celebrates his birthday. So, in 2021 he reached the age of 22.

Is Daniel Corpuz Dating Anyone?

A little peeking on Daniel Corpuz’s social media revealed he had been dating this lady with the name Maya Phillips Schioppo.

However, the last time they were seen together was on 16 August 2019. This was the time of Daniel’s graduation and Maya (of course) was in attendance.

Maya can be followed on her Instagram @maya_phillipss and Facebook where she writes about liking Jesus and dogs and having no people around her.

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With that being said, it was not understood if they were still dating.

Daniel Corpuz Family

Now and then, Daniel took to his social media to appreciate his parents for pushing him to always do his best and support him in the endeavors that he takes on.

Daniel’s mother Ma Lourdes Segovia Corpuz worked at Accenture, studied at Arellano University Pasig, and went to Arellano High School. On her Facebook, the matriarch also noted that she is married and is from Pasig. She is also on Instagram @malousegovia.

Daniel also listed her father Rainier Corpuz and her brother Ethan Josh Segovia-Corpuz “Ej” as her family members, on Facebook.

From the look of it, the other people in Daniel’s family are Tim Justin Segovia-Corpuz and Leoncio Corpuz. The latter is seemingly his grandfather who worked at ISAFP, studied at FEU, and went to AFPSEM.

Is Daniel Corpuz On Instagram?

Yes. Daniel is on Instagram.

Until 28 November 2021, Daniel Corpuz had 111 posts and 4,064 followers on his Instagram account @danielcorpuz. Then, Daniel ran a separate handle @danielcorpuzchocolatier for his chocolate shop where he sold his self-handcrafted Filipino-American-inspired chocolates.

Also, an additional 1,161 people saw him every day on his ‘Daniel Joseph Corpuz’ Facebook.

Related FAQs

  • Where Was Daniel Corpuz Born?

Daniel was likely born in his hometown of Staten Island, New York. Meanwhile, in recent times (2021), he has been calling Staten Island, New York his home.

  • How Tall Is Daniel Corpuz?

Daniel Corpuz stands below 5’6” tall.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Daniel Corpuz Bio, Age, Family, Dating, School Of Chocolate – Tekmonk Bio, Daniel Corpuz Bio, Age, Family, Dating, School Of Chocolate – Kungfutv, Daniel Corpuz Bio, Age, Family, Dating, School Of Chocolate – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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