
Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

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Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth – “Dutch” was the nick name of Darren Arthur Daulton, an American professional baseball catcher who played for the Florida Marlins and Philadelphia Phillies in Major League Baseball. Daulton received the 1992 Silver Slugger Award and was a three-time MLB All-Star while playing for the Phillies.

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Bio

NameDarren Daulton
Age55 years
Date Of Birth3 January 1962
Death Date6 August 2017
ProfessionBaseball Player
BirthplaceArkansas City, Kansas, United States
HometownClearwater, Florida, United States

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Measurement

Height6 feet 2 inch
Weight88 kg
Eye ColourDark Brown
Hair ColourDark Brown

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Educational Qualifications

SchoolArkansas City High School
College or UniversityNot Known
Educational DegreeGraduated

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net WorthDarren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth 1Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth 2Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Family

MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenSummer Daulton, Savannah Daulton, Zachary Daulton, Darren Daulton II

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Marital Status

Marital StatusMarried
Spouse NameAmanda Dick (m. 2013–2017)Nicole Garcia (m. 1995–2004)Lynne Austin (m. 1989–1995)

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars5 Million
SalaryNot Known

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton Social Media Accounts

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Darren Daulton News

In a statement, the Phillies mentioned that Daulton had been battling brain cancer for four years when he passed away.

Between 1983 and 1997, Daulton played 1,109 of his 1,161 total games with Philadelphia. He was a part of the Phillies Wall of Fame and the 1993 World Series team. He also participated in the 1997 season with the World Series-winning Florida Marlins.

Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth 3Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth 4Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth

Three-time All-Star Daulton was also the 1992 Silver Slugger winner after hitting.270/.385/.524 with 27 home runs and a league-high 109 RBI.

Every player on that pennant-winning club, according to Glen Macnow of WIP in Philadelphia, “will attest that he was a terrific teammate.”

The Darren Daulton Foundation was formed by Daulton in 2011, the Phillies claim. In 2013, it first raised money to battle brain cancer. Daulton battled brain cancer for four years prior to his death, according to a release from the Phillies.

From 1983 through 1997, Philadelphia was home to 1,109 of Daulton’s 1,161 games. He was a part of the Phillies Wall of Fame and the team that won the 1993 World Series. During the 1997 season, when the Florida Marlins won the World Series, he also played for them.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth – Tekmonk Bio, Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth – Kungfutv, Darren Daulton Wikipedia, Wiki, Death, Wife, Stats, Funeral, Net Worth – Blogtomoney

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