
Delhi Police draws attention to road safety using Netflix’s Guns & Gulaabs

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Delhi Police recently took to their social media handles to share a witty post to remind people about the importance of adhering to traffic rules. The post has a Guns & Gulaabs – a Netflix series- reference.

A still from the Netflix series Guns & Gulaabs. (X/@DelhiPolice)

Delhi Police shared a picture on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption, “Atmaram has 7 lives, you don’t. Don’t forget to gear up and ride smart! Always wear a helmet while riding.”

The image shared by Delhi Police features a still from the popular Netflix web series Guns & Gulaabs. It shows actor Gulshan Devaiah, who played Atmaram in the series, riding a bike without a helmet.

Take a look at the post shared by Delhi Police here:

The post was shared on August 20 on X. It has since been viewed over 1.3 lakh times. Additionally, the tweet has collected scores of likes and comments from netizens.

Here’s how X users reacted to this post:

An individual wrote, “Shouldn’t such scenes or movies be banned? What message are they giving to society?” Change this

“Excellent way to express the safety rules,” expressed another.

A third shared, “That’s creative and in line with the trend.”

“Lol, this is nicely played,” remarked a fourth.

A fifth posted, “Good one,” while a sixth exclaimed, “The best!”

Categories: Trending

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Links: Delhi Police draws attention to road safety using Netflix’s Guns & Gulaabs – Tekmonk Bio, Delhi Police draws attention to road safety using Netflix’s Guns & Gulaabs – Kungfutv, Delhi Police draws attention to road safety using Netflix’s Guns & Gulaabs – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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