
Delhi Schools Closed on September 8 due to G-20 Summit; Check Details

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Delhi Schools Closed

Delhi Schools Closed: As per the officials, the state government may restrict the movement of people in Delhi due to the G-20 summit on September 8, 2023. This is to ensure that the roads are less crowded to provide smooth passage to the G-20 dignitaries. Also, the decision to declare September 8 as a public holiday is going on. The Department of Education has already asked the schools to announce holidays for both the students and employees. 

G-20 participants are likely to come earlier than the official supper and main event. The programme is going to be organised at Pragati Maidan along with a cultural event. The National Gallery for Modern Art and Pusa Road were the first destinations for the leaders ’spouses. As per the officials, they may be given guided tours of the remaining parts of the city.

According to Sunday Guardian Live, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) sections of central Delhi will ensure the closure of some roads along with public movement for trouble-free passage of G-20 attendees on September 8, 9, and 10, 2023. 

High security in Connaught Place, Chandni Chowk, Dilli Haat ahead of G-20 summit

Places like Chandni Chowk, Khan Market, Dilli Haat, Connaught Place, and Malcha Marg Market will witness high security. However, no official alert has been released yet. MCD has put special efforts to clear 26 major roadways in the city from August 16 onwards. Some of the highly emphasised routes are Bhairon Marg, Mathura Road, Sachivalaya Road, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Lodhi Road, Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar Marg, Purana Quila Road, and Suraj Kund Road.

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The Senior G-20 officials will stay in hotels like Shangri-La, Taj Palace, Oberoi, Imperial, Maurya Sheraton, Le Meridien, and Leela.

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